Chapter 14 Lake-Town

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"If you speak of this to anyone, I'll rip your arms off!"Dwalin growls out to Bain as he emerges from Bard's toilet.

"Da, why are there Dwarves climbing out of our toilet." the oldest of Bard's children asks.

"Will they bring us luck?" Asks the youngest. "Oh how adorable a Dwarfling!" She cries as she sees Haraldur emerge from the toilet.

Haraldur's eyes narrow at being called adorable, he was a warrior. Well, in his other life he was, sort of. Shivering he follows Bilbo up the stairs into the house where he huddles next to the fire, too cold to bother with a warming spell. Tilda runs off to grab him a blanket.

"Here you go, little Dwarfling." She says to Haraldur who this time blushes, he gratefully accepts the blanket.

Once Thorin appears, he goes straight to Haraldur, to make sure that the Dwarfling is warm enough. Thorin helps peels the coat off of him and begins to vigously dry him off, ignoring his own drenched clothes.

Bard begins handing out clothes so that Bilbo and the Dwarves can change, "It may not be the best fit, but it will keep you warm. Sigrid, see if you can find one of Bain's old clothes that might fit the lad."

In an instant, Sigrid is off searching for a shirt and trousers, she comes back a few minutes later with some clothes, they're still to large, but Haraldur makes do. He thanks the young lady for all her help. Bilbo and the Dwarves huddle around the fire trying to get warm as Thorin looks out the window, he spots something that piques his interest.

"A Dwarvish Windlance."

"You look like you like you've seen a ghost." Bilbo says to Thorin.

"He has, the last time we saw such a weapon the city was on fire. It was the day the dragon came. The day that Smaug destroyed Dale."

Balin goes on to explain that Girion and his men tried to bring the dragon down but could not pierce the tough hide of the dragon. That only a black arrow fire from a Windlance could have brought down Smaug. He explained to Bilbo, and a now intrigued Haraldur that Girion had fired arrow after arrow, but failed.

"Had the aim of Men been true that day, much would be different." Thorin says as he picks up Haraldur.

"You speak as if you were there." Bard says.

"All Dwarves know the tale." Thorin informs him.

"Then you would know that Girion hit the dragon. He loosened a scale under the left wing. One more shot and he would have killed the beast." Bain tells Thorin a little angry.

Dwalin laughs, "That's a fairy story, Lad, nothing more."

Thorin hands Haraldur to Balin and steps toward Bard, "You took our money, where are the weapons?"

"Wait here." Bard disappears down stairs for a few minutes.

"Tomorrow begins the last days of Autumn." Thorin informs the others.

"Durin's day falls the morn after next, we must reach the mountain before then." Balin says.

"And if we do not? If we fail to find the hidden door before that time?" Kili asks.

"Then this quest has been for nothing." Fili answers

Bard comes back with a wet bundle, laying on the table he opens it.

"What is this?" Thorin questions

Bard goes on to explain what each makeshift weapon is. Needless to say the Dwarves are more than a little disappointed.

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