Chapter 21 Treating Haraldur's wounds

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Thorin was already waiting in the healing tent, pacing, more like limping, back and forth at the entrance. He refused to get his wounded foot tended to until he saw that Haraldur was safe. He kept staring off towards the mountain searching for any sign of them. Balin comes out of the tent, he walks up to Thorin placing a comforting hand on Thorin's shoulder.

"Thorin, Dwalin and the Elf Prince will make sure to bring Haraldur down safely. You must get your foot tended to, you could get an infection, then how will you tend to your son if you cannot walk?" Balin tries to reason with Thorin.

Thorin looks at Balin, he nods his head, "Fine Balin I shall let Oin tend to my foot."

With that, Balin helps Thorin limps into the healing tent. As Thorin is getting his foot looked after, Dwalin and Legolas are slowly making their way down the mountain. They had to stop several times to check on Haraldur, who would wake up occaisonally then pass out from the pain. It took them several hours to get down the mountain, it was nearly dark when they finally nearing the healing tent.

Bofur had been keeping watch for them the whole time. He cried out to the others when he spots Dwalin and Legolas in the distance. Bofur and the rest of the Company rush out to meet them, Gloin and Dori come to take over carrying Haraldur's stretcher the rest of the way to the healing tent. Nori and Bifur go to support a tired Dwalin, while Bofur and Bombur do the same for Legolas, amazingly Legolas accepts their help.

There is a flurry of activity when they bring Haraldur into the tent, Oin and Thorin rush over to check on Haraldur, Oin tears off his tunic to examine him. Feeling his ribs, he notices that indeed several of his ribs are broken or severely bruised, Haraldur's chest is one giant bruise. Haraldur cries out every now and then when Oin presses too hard.

"Adad!" He cries out, squeezing his eyes closed.

Thorin limps quickly over to the cot, "I am here, my son, your Adad is here! Thorin says squeezing Haraldur's hand.

Haraldur opens his eyes, his emerald eyes pleading with Thorin, "Make it stop Adad, make the pain stop!" He says as he begins crying, but the more he cried the more it hurt.

"Shh, my son, you must try to remain calm. Oin, do you not have anything to give him for the pain?"

Oin was about to answer when Tauriel shows up, she has some bright blue liquid in a small vial in her hand. "Here, Master Dwarf, I have prepared a pain reliever and sleeping draught for Haraldur."

Thorin narrows his eyes at the She - Elf. "Why are you helping us Elf?"

"Because Haraldur is my friend and I care for him, King Thorin. I am the one who let him send his message to you in the dungeon in Mirkwood." Tauriel informs him.

"Aye, Thorin, she's also the one who saved Kili." Bofur adds.

Thorin stares at her for a few seconds then steps aside. Oin also moves aside and allows Tauriel to get near Haraldur. She strokes Haraldur's sweaty brow and calls his name.

"Haraldur, Sweetling, can you hear me?" Tauriel says softly to Haraldur.

Haraldur opens his eyes, he gave her a pained smile, "Tauriel, make the pain stop." He says to her desperately.

"I am going to make the pain go away. Drink this, Dear One, It will ease your pain and make you sleep." Tauriel informs Haraldur.

He nods and tries to sit up, everyone rushes to his side to help him up just enough to take the potion. Once he drinks it all he sighs, he can already feel the numbing sensation coming over his body. His eyes begin to droop.

"Thank you, Tauriel." Haraldur slurs then falls asleep.

Thorin turns to Tauriel, "Yes, thank you El... Tauriel. I am forever in your debt for first healing my nephew and now my son. My only regret is that you were not there to save Fili." Thorin says sadly.

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