Chapter 18 Treating with Thorin.

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The guard took Haraldur to an empty tent, he produced a pair of shackles and shackled his hands together then attached the shackles to a long piece of chain. It gave Haraldur the freedom to move about the tent and get into the bed, but he could not leave. Once he was chained, the guard posted himself outside. About an hour later Gandalf comes into the tent.

"I'm sorry that you are being treated this way, my boy, I tried to convince Thranduil to leave you in my custody, but he said he did not trust me. Can you believe that, me, Gandalf the Grey, not trustworthy? What nonsense, anyway, I brought you your wand, perhaps you can break yourself out." Gandalf says with a cheeky smile.

Haraldur smiles back, but shakes his head, "No Gandalf the way Thranduil had the guard shackle my hands, I can not hold my wand properly. Though what you can do is put my wand into my trousers, so I am prepared once I am freed. Do you know what Thranduil plans to do with me when Thorin refuses to bargain?"

Gandalf's face falls, "If I know Thranduil, he will most likely kill you, you serve no use to him, especially without your wand.

Haraldur looks down, "Ah well, I guess I did squander away this second chance at life. My life will end at the hands of a twisted Elf's blade.

"Not if I can help it, Have faith Haraldur as I told you before, things will work out in the end. Now try to get some sleep."  Gandalf tells him as he puts his wand in the pocket of his trousers.

Haraldur pulls back the covers on the straw bed and gets in as carefully as he can. He pulls the covers up awkwardly and settles himself down as comfortable as he can. His last thought before he fell asleep were of Thorin and of happier times he had with the Dwarf king.

Meanwhile In Erebor Thorin is in his old room trying to get some sleep, but he is plagued with nightmares. His mind is tormenting him by seeing over and over the incident that happened with Haraldur, in great detail. The way he turned on the boy full of rage for him denying that Thorin was his king. He could feel it again when his hand connected with the soft flesh of Haraldurs face. He can hear the sickly sound of his rings tearing into Haraldur's flesh. He watched in slow motion as the boy went flying into the gems. Thorin begged for his nightmares to stop, but they wouldn't, they only continued to play the scene over and over again. Tormenting him until Thorin was a crying mess.

Dwalin came into Thorin's room to rouse the King, he notices that Thorin is in the middle of a terrible dream, for tears are streaming down his face. Dwalin goes to wake him up, he give Thorin a strong shake to break him out of his nightmare. Thorin's eyes open, His eyes are wide and full of fear.

"Thorin, what happened, are you alright." Dwalin asks, concern lacing his voice.

"No, Dwalin, I do not think I will ever be alright again until Haraldur is safe and sound with us and he has forgiven me." Thorin confides in Dwalin.

Dwalin shakes his head, "It may be a long time before he can forgive you, Thorin, you must be prepared for that. We may get him back from that tree hugger, but that doesn't mean the boy will trust you."

Thorin rubs his face, "I know, you are right, my friend, I may have lost him forever and I will never hear him call me Adad ever again.

Dwalin lays a hand on Thorin's shoulder, "Have faith, this may all work out in the end."

"I truly hope so." Thorin says, A little hope poking through in his voice.

It is now daybreak the following morning, an Elf maiden has come into Haraldur's tent, but it's not just any Elf maiden. Tauriel walks over to the still sleeping boy and looks at his face, she grimaces and shakes her head. She quietly leaves for some warm water and Athelas, mixing it in the water she makes a poultice to put on Haraldur's eye and face in order to bring down the swelling. She carefully applies the warm poultice to his face, Haraldur winces and wakes up. His good eye widens when he sees Tauriel.

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