Chapter six - Will you be my secret girlfriend?

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I shoot up out of bed as I realize my alarm was going off, not thinking of anything. Shit! I slept in late and now I only have 30 minutes left to get ready. I put on a pair of ripped up jeans to the knee and a cute crop top with green and white stripes. I slip on my favourite galaxy vans and put my beanie on my head. When I am done, I get a text from Shawn.

Shawn: Good morning beautiful

I smile and flush my cheeks a little when I see he left a heart next to the text. He makes me feel happy inside and I would do anything for him. Heck, we even made out last night. That is probably the only thing I could think about ever since he left yesterday.

Me: Good morning Shawn.

Shawn: Are you almost ready to go? I have a class to teach, you know.

Me: Yeah Yeah, I woke up a little late, but I am almost ready.

Shawn: Better hurry! I am bringing muffins for breakfast. Be ready in five, or I climb through your window and carry you downstairs

Me: Ok muffin man. See you in a bit.

I smile and finish getting ready. I check my makeup and put on some earring in hopes Shawn will like them. I grab my phone and receive another text from Shawn.

Shawn: Hey Melony? I should probably tell you something I have been meaning to tell you since last night.

Me: What is it Shawn ?

Shawn: Um ... Will you be my secret girlfriend?

I smile hard and want to tell him I love him. I have been meaning to say that but I couldn't bear the thought of us never seeing each other again, so I decide to answer him.

Me: I would be happy to.

Shawn leaves a little smiley face, and after about three more short minutes, I get a another buzz from my phone

Shawn: I am pulling into your driveway.

With that, I grab my phone off my bed, check myself in the mirror one more time, then run downstairs. I open the door to Shawn standing there. I close the door behind me and he stands awkwardly with his hands in his pocket. I stand there for a minute, and I can smell his cologne. He offers me a hug and I take it, breathing in his strong cologne, that I simply fall in love with.

"You look pretty today, hon." He says, making my heart practically melt.

"And you look just as handsome as ever," I say, telling that in made him blush slightly.

"I love you, and I won't let anyone hurt you the way I let them hurt me." He whispers in my ear, before pulling me out of the hug to cup his large hands on my cheeks.

I hold on to his wrists, and he comes close to me, our noses touching. He places our lips together and they slowly fall in sync. His lips are very soft against mine. We stand kissing like no one is watching for a few moments. We exchange a few small kisses here and there, and I smile. When we pull away, we stand across from each other and stare into each other's eyes.

"We should probably get going, Mel." He says, and I blush at the small nickname he calls me.

"Yes, we should." I reply, and I smile at him.

I walk to his Jeep and he opens my door for me and I get in, placing my phone, backpack, and headphones, at my feet. He gets in on the other side and opens the box of muffins. Blueberry, my favourite. We eat two muffins each leaving one for the both of us later on, and we make our way towards school.

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