Chapter Twentythree - Four dollars and forty-eight cents, please.

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Hey guys. Sorry didn't proof read this.
Shawn's POV
2 weeks later........
When I wake up on a Tuesday morning, I turn the alarm beside me to off and look at Melony. She is still sleeping soundly. I gently kiss her forehead, and her eyes flicker open. When they are fully open, she pulls me into a hug. Emily left my house yesterday, and Ty has happily taken her in. Emily was glad that Ty was able to understand, and it has been official that Ty and Emily will be parents. Now, I don't know if Melony will be pregnant. Of course, it was an accident, but now I'm curious and don't want people to find out. I know that if Melony does get pregnant, I will be overjoyed, but I also know that she would hate to be humiliated.

Its been two weeks, and she still hasn't been feeling anything. She looks at me with a warm smile and I smile back. I kiss her lips softly and wrap my arms around her. When she pulls her head away, she looks at me with a stern face.

"Hey, mister. We need to get ready for school." She says with a laugh and puts her pointer finger on my chest. She slides her finger down my torso and to the waistband of my boxers. She plays with the hem, teasing me, and I chuckle.

"Stop teasing," I say and she laughs softly. "I will see you again shortly. Be ready in 15 minutes."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you too," I say and plant 4 small kisses on her lips.

We stand up out of the covers and begin getting ready. As soon as Melony gets out of the bed, she stumbles slightly and makes a weird face. Her eyes open wide, and she quickly runs out of the room. I follow quickly behind her, worried, and she stops at the bathroom. She opens the door and goes in. I stand next to the door and open it. She leans over the toilet seat and starts to vomit. I stand by her and pull her hair back for her. She continues to vomit, and I start to feel really bad for her.

She gets some toilet paper, and wipes of her mouth. She stands up and looks at me. I look at her worryingly and I know exactly why she just why puked. I take her in my arms, and she starts to cry softly. I hold her tight, and try to help her feel better. After 5 minutes of standing there, she looks at me and nods. We walk out of the bathroom and go into her room. She gets some of her clothes together and puts them on her bed. She kisses my cheek since she just threw up, and I get my sweatpants on, and my black T-shirt. I walk out of her back sliding glass door and wave goodbye.

Could she really be pregnant? Guess we will have to find out.
Melony's POV (before Shawn leaves)
As I pull off the covers, I stand up and a wave of nausea washes over me, and I stumble slightly. I start to feel a nauseating feeling in my stomach, and I feel like I'm not going to make it. I run out of the bedroom, and hear Shawn running behind me. I run into the bathroom and quickly get to the toilet. I start to violently throw up, and I feel Shawn gather my hair and hold it up for me. He is so nice. When I get done, I get some toilet paper and wipe off my mouth. I stand up and look into Shawn's eyes, and hold onto him. I start to softly cry on his chest, and he holds me tighter.

I am beyond scared, and I feel as though I know why I threw up. After about 5 minutes, we walk out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. Shawn gets his sweatpants on and his black T-shirt. I kiss his cheek since I threw up, and he leaves out of my sliding glass door. I start to get my clothes on and decide to go with something easy. I put on a pair of gray and white sweatpants and a tank top. I put my blue hoodie over it, and go to my mirror. I decide against makeup today and put my very long hair into a messy bun. I put on my black and white, high top converse, and head towards the door. I wait outside for Shawn, and he eventually pulls into my driveway.

When I get in, I look at him worried. He looks back with the same expression, and it just seems even scarier. I realized that I haven't started my cycle, and that is when I fear my life is going to change.

We pull up to a CVS pharmacy, and we go inside. Shawn looks at the CD section, and I go into the women health and beauty section. I look at a box that has the words Pregnancy Test and I pick it up. I look at the back and scan the words. When I get done picking two boxes, I find Shawn, and we walk up to the counter. Luckily Ty wasn't here today, so we walk up to the clerk, and she eyes Shawn. I feel a wave of jealousy wash over me, and I can tell that Shawn knows.

He snakes an arm around my waist and places his chin on my head. The store clerk looks taken back, and she smirks at us. We attempt to smile back, as she scans the item. She types in a few numbers and rings the item up. When she gets done, she puts the box in a bag and hands it to us.

"Four dollars and forty-eight cents please." The clerk says, and Shawn pulls out his wallet before I can even touch mine. I playfully hit his shoulder, and he smirks at me.

He hands her the money, and I hold the bag in one hand. He grabs my hand in his and intertwines our fingers naturally. I smile at him and he smiles back. He swings our hands as we walk back to his jeep. When we get in, we head back to the house. We decided to stay home from school since I wasn't feeling good today. Shawn told me he called for a substitute teacher to come in for that day.

When we pull into the driveway, we walk in and see my mom and dad getting ready for work. My mom is cooking Breakfast, and my dad is getting his coat on. When I walk past the kitchen, I look at my mom and she looks at me worried. I put my hand on my stomach, and look down. Shawn walks into the kitchen and stands next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, Mel. You ok?" She asks, and I don't really feel like talking. I slightly shift under Shawn's touch to give him a clue, and he takes over.

"No. She threw up today, and I was worried she wasn't feeling good. I offered to drive her home and she agreed. I was coming to her home, so I could help take care of her because I know you guys are leaving in a little bit. I called for a substitute teacher to teach the class so that I could be here. I hope you don't mind?" He asks and I smile.

My mom nods and gestures for us to go upstairs. I wasn't feeling good and didn't want to make today any worse. This is the first time I have thrown up in at least 12 years. I know its long, but I don't throw up. I will have to get used to it if I do turn out to be pregnant. When we get upstairs, Shawn and I sit on my bed, and I nuzzle my head into his clothed chest. I don't want to take the test but I know if I don't, it won't help my case. I am glad that I put the box in my bag, so my mom didn't see it.

I pull the box out of my bag and unbox the test. I look at Shawn and nod. He walks quietly to the bathroom and stands next to the door. I do the test and wait for it to get done. I leave it on the counter and pace back and forth down the hallway. After 10 minutes, I go into the bathroom. I look at the screen and see something that leaves my mouth hanging open. Shawn looks at me and I can't say anything.

There were two lines planted on the screen.

Hey babes. sorry if this chapter seemed short, I tried to make it long. Please make sure to vote, comment ideas, or share this book with anyone you think would like it.

Thanks so much guys. Love you. See you in the next one -- xoxo xoxo xoxo

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