Chapter Twentyeight - Because you look like a troll that had to go to rehab

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Shawn's POV
After five minutes, I start to worry something was wrong. I get out and begin to walk into the school. When I get in the front door, I can almost feel fear. Melony's fear. It makes me shudder, so I decide to call her phone. She doesn't pick up, and it goes to voicemail. I start to get worried, so I begin to walk around the building.

I attempt to try again, but the same. No answer. I call a third time and leave a voice message. After ten minutes of searching the building, I can't find her, and it begins to make me shake. I get extremely worried, as I pace through the school. I run back to the front door and stop. I begin to think about the worst thing that could have happened.

Zayn. Melony was terrified of him. Wanted nothing to do with him. She didn't even want to know him. I love her. She was more than I have ever wanted in my whole life. With her gone, I couldn't live. She completed me. Her birthday was coming up before I left for tour. I wanted to surprise her with the best thing a girl could ask for. We have been dating for a year now, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.

I was going to ask her to marry me.

I wanted to do anything and everything with her. She was everything to me, and nothing could ever change that. The way she smiled when I told a cheesy joke. Or the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me. Or the way she looked at me when I kissed her. When our lips connected, a fire ignited and sparks flew. When our bodies connected, the world stopped spinning, and we were the only people in the world.

She was more than what I deserved. To find her gone, broke my heart. I don't want to leave her. Thinking about her being with that bad ass of a Zayn, makes me shudder. He was already a fucking jerk to hurt her. To take her was too far. He was a bastard, and shouldn't even exist. Gosh, Shawn. You shouldn't say that. Ok. I mean, he is unruly. But that still doesn't change the fact that he is a beast and a mean person.

I love her with all my heart, and would not give that up. I would never stop trying to keep her. No matter what it took. I try to call her phone again, and this time someone picks up. It's not Melony. Her voice wasn't deep. The voice that picked up, was husky and deep. The breathing is very heavy, and the voice is still.

"Who is this?" I ask

"Why does it matter, Mr. Mendes?" The voice says, and I get angry

"Zayn. WHERE IS MELONY!" I yell into the speaker

"She is with me. Don't worry she will be fine."


"Face it. She doesn't love you." He states, and my heart hurts

"You took her. GIVE HER BACK. Or so help me god, I will find you and beat you senseless."

"Calm down, Mendes. You will get her back. As soon as I'm finished with her."

When he said that, I could hear strained muffling. Melony. I could hear her screaming but it was muffled. It turned me angry, and I wanted to find this son of a bitch, and give him what he deserves.

"You were such a good student. Why Zayn?"

"She hurt me. She left me when I wanted her most." He said, and I try to find a better reason to win her back.

"Well, she lost her virginity to me. She loved me, and we have been together for a year."

"She loved me first. And I will have her again."

"Zayn, don't do this. You will be fine without her."


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