Chapter thirteen - Holy shit.

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Melony's POV
When I get done crying, I start to think about why I got mad. I can't think of why I would have gone out like that. We were having a fine morning, but I made us break up just because of a misunderstanding. This makes me sad, so I walk downstairs and get something to eat.

Later that day, I realize that I haven't cleaned at all, but at this point, I'm too tired and sad to care. I get some Ben and Jerry ice cream, and sit on the living room couch and pull up YouTube on my TV, from my computer.

When I get on, I find a video with a familiar face on it. When I click on it, it was a person doing a cover of a song. When I looked closer I recognized the face.

It was Shawn.

I continue watching with lots of thoughts running through my head.

Why didn't he ever tell me he could sing?

Why didn't he ever tell me that he posts covers on YouTube?

Why didn't he ever tell me that that was his dream?

And why would a history teacher, want a singing career?

So many things didn't make sense, but I couldn't focus on my questions when a very handsome man with gorgeous eyes, and perfect hair, and a very fit body, was singing in front of me. His voice sounded like anything you could imagine. And each word he sang with rhythm, melted my brain into smush.

After watching 5 of his videos, my thoughts and brain meltings were interrupted by a knock on my door. I quickly turned off the television and checked the time. It was 8:45 pm, and realized that my mom was probably home. When I opened the door, my face was brought together with my mom and dad. I put on a wide smile so that they would not be able to tell that I was crying and that I was sad. They embraced me in a tight hug, and my mum had been smiling the whole time.

"Sweetie, we have some great news." She said, and I looked at her. My dad was smiling like my mom was, and they kind of looked creepy for a moment.

"Honey, you might want to sit down." My dad says, and my smile fades.

I wonder what they needed to tell me. I walk over to the couch and they follow, they set their suitcases by the front door and sat on the couch with me.

"So I and your dad were at the hotel, and we already told your Mammi, but we thought we should tell you." She told me and I was anxious to find out what the news was. Mammi was what we called my grandma, and Papi was what we called my Grandpa.

"And we don't really know how to--" my dad started to say before my mom quickly cut him off.

"YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY BROTHER!!!" She says and my mouth drops.

Holy shit.

When I go to bed that night, all I can think about is that my mom is pregnant, with my soon to be, baby brother. How was I going to tell Emily, other than to expect her to go into shock because she was too excited?

My eyes are wide open, and I can't sleep, so I decide to get my phone and my headphones, and play music. Before I finish the song that's playing, I have already fallen asleep.

When I wake up, I turn off my alarm and try to get up silent. I chose to get up a little early so that I could look okay. Since I was sad yesterday, it still had the effect on me, and it does not make me look good. I look distressed and miserable. Of course, I am, but I don't want it to go into my appearance.

When I get out of bed after laying there for a good 10 minutes, I decide to get up and put on some clothes. I go into my closet and finger through my clothes to find something to wear. I finally decide to wear my red and black crop top, and some high waisted black jeans that are ripped at the knee.

I put my long hair in a messy hair bun, and curl the loose strands. I put on some mascara and a little eyeliner, and I put on some tan lipstick to finish, leaving my freckles showing on my face.

When I'm finished, I almost forget that I and Shawn are currently taking a break. I notice that it's 7:30 so I eat some cereal and get ready to go. I leave a note in the fridge to my mom.

Dear mom,

I am taking the car to school today because Shawn was not able to pick me up this morning. I will see you after school, before your long shift tonight with dad.

Love, Melony

As soon as I set a magnet on the note, I grab my book bag and head to the door. I walk to my mom's car, and I see Shawn walking to his car. I look at his sad eyes and his stubble on his chin. He smiles at me, but I don't smile back. When I get in the car, I put on some Skillet. I drive to school thinking about what Shawn would do when he saw me.

When I get there, I park next to a black Jeep that seems to look familiar, but I can't put my finger on it. I get out and I walk in, on my way in, my face is met with someone who I never thought I would see for the rest of my life.

It was Zayn Milak
See you in the next chapter my little dandelions XOXO

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