Chapter twentytwo - Not the legs! Not the legs.

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Melony's POV
When I wake up, I see Shawn sleeping and he looks completely exhausted. I gently kiss his cheek, and his eyes slowly flicker open. When they open, I can see his hazel brown eyes, and they are glistening in the sun shining through my curtains. He sees my face, and he smiles brightly. He presses his lips against mine softly, and I smile into the kiss. When he pulls away, he is still smiling.

"Goodmorning." He says, and I look into his eyes. His raspy morning voice was the most sexist.

"Goodmorning," I say back, and I try to wrap myself around him, but I feel a nauseating pain in my legs. I groan and stop moving.

"What's wrong?" He asks an I play sarcastically

"Oh, nothing. Just a very horrible pain in my legs that you caused yesterday, no big deal." I say with a smirk, and he winks back at me.

"I could cure that for you." He says, throwing in another wink, and I playfully slap his chest.

"Thanks but I don't need any more pain," I say and he snickers at me. I give him the stink eye, and he stops.

"I know you enjoyed it." He says, and I stop breathing for a second.

I catch up my breath quickly and find something to say. It's not like I hated it. Believe me, I absolutely loved it. It was the best. But when he says that, let's just say I wasn't expecting for him to say that. I look into his eyes and open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

"Well. Yes, I loved it, I can deny." I say and he smiles.

"Are you going to be ok?" He asks, and I nod.

"Yes. But do me a favour. Help me get out of bed." I say and he does so.

The pain in my legs are strong and it makes my legs feel like absolute shit. Shawn gets up out of his bed in his boxers, and I snicker at his running. He hurries over to the left side of the bed, where I am laying. He starts to pull at my legs, and I yell.

"Not the legs! Not the legs." I yell, and he apologizes.

He pulls at my torso and helps me to stand up. When I am sitting up, I feel like a run over piece of shit. A feel of nausea washes over me. It goes away, and I feel fine again. He places one hand on my lower back and uses one hand to hold mine. When he helps me stand up, I almost topple over, but he catches me and helps me stand up. When I hook my arms around his neck, I stand in my undergarments.

He helps me walk into the bathroom as quietly as possible trying not to wake my mom or dad. When we get into the bathroom, I hold onto the counter for support, and he holds onto my waist. As I stand in front of the mirror looking at us, I start to regain feeling in my legs. He continues to hold onto my waist, and I grab my toothbrush and start to brush my teeth. Halfway through, I take my toothbrush and slide it across Shawn's face.

He laughs and I laugh. He gets a rag from the counter and wipes it off his face. He continues to laugh while I finish brushing my teeth. When I finish, I turn around and look him in the eyes.

"How are we gonna tell my mom?" I ask, and his smile disappears.

"I don't know." He says, his voice sounding disapproving.

"What if she kicks me out, Shawn?" I say, and my voice starts cracking.

"I hope not."

"What if she doesn't want to see me again?" I ask, and now I have tears running down my face.

He takes me in his arms, and I start crying on his bare chest. He rubs his hand up and down my back, and it seems to soothe me. His warmth shoots through me, as I cry on his chest. He whispers in my ear that it's going to be okay, but I'm only 17 almost 18. This was going to shock my mom that I ever got this close with my teacher and going be very real on the fact that Shawn could go to jail. We are good together and I don't want to lose that. I was a virgin 2 months ago but now I don't know what to expect.

I had this strange feeling ever since last night, that maybe everything is about to change. I don't what is about to change, but I'm really hoping it isn't anything. There is still 3 weeks left of school which will be filled with homework and quizzes. I am going to be stressed, and being stressed for the whole week isn't going to help my case. If we tell my mom about us, what will she say? What will the kids at school think of me? What will I tell everyone? These thoughts worry me, so I try my hardest not to think of it. As my sobs start to turn into a soft cry, Shawn's touch soothes me and I try to control my breaths.

"Hey. It's going to be okay, Melony. Don't worry about what people will say. Don't worry about what people will think. You shouldn't be brought down by what people know. Even if people don't think you look pretty, to me, you look like the best angle with the softest skin, lips, and hair I could ever meet. You have a beautiful smile, and your hugs make everyone smile. Your laugh makes everyone happy, and your sparkling eyes make everyone fall for you.

"When I look at you, I begin to wonder how I got so damn lucky to have you. You rock my entire fucking world, Melony, and I love every little bit of you. You make me so happy that I almost fall flat dead when I see you every day. You know how to make me the happiest person in the world when you say my name. You have the instincts to tell someone how to calm down.

"I know that keeping secrets can be hard, but I will be here with you every single day, every single moment, every single second, to be there to support you in what you do. You make me happy. Seeing you cry makes me so sad. When your happy, it makes the sunshine on the earth."

When he says these words, I melt. I can't believe how much of an amazing boyfriend I have by my side. He looks deep into my eyes, and his hazel eyes sparkle. He leans down to me and places small kisses on my lips. I kiss him back. He pulls away, and the kiss seems to linger on my lips. He holds my hands, our fingers intertwining naturally. He stands over in front of me, hovering over me, and I gaze into his eyes. I look at his sharp jawline and melt in his presence. He always seemed to make me feel better.

"So, if my mom kicks me out, will you stay with me? Forever?" I ask and feel like I already know the answer.

"Forever." He says, and I melt right there on the spot.

He kisses my lips and the kiss feels like forever. He cradles my face in his hands. He holds the kiss longer than expected, but it feels...almost...romantic. When he let's go, I look into his eyes.

"I--" I say, but I'm cut off by Shawn's amazing voice.

"Love you. I. Love. You." He says, and my brain turns to mush. He never fails to make me melt.

"More and more every day, Mr. Mendes," I say, and he smiles.

In short, I have a feeling that maybe Shawn might be hiding something from me. But in spite of that, today, I would know. Know if I would get kicked out from my moms. Know if I was really ready to start a life with Shawn.
Hey babes. Sorry for the short chapter again. Like I said, it's been hard. Love you guys. Please vote.

See you in the next -- xoxo

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