Not Love

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I know I'm too young
I know I probably have no idea
I know I know I know
So please stop telling me

I don't know a lot
But I do know some
And from I do know
I can tell you this

That there's this anticipation
Of wanting to talk to him
Even when we are speaking,
I'm wishing he was closer still

When we aren't talking
I'm wishing we were
When we aren't together
I am wondering what he is doing

I find myself doing things
An imagining he were here
It's a mess, I know
But it's still a feeling

I get nervous when we speak
Will I say the right thing?
What if he doesn't like me?
What if what if what if

I find myself searching for him
Subconsciously my mind will drift to him
And without knowing
I find myself looking for him

You say I'm too young
It's too soon
Don't rush it
Take it slow

But I know how I feel
I know what this is
It's something amazing

There's an energy in the air
Something that can't be denied
So thick you could cut it
With a knife

I smile when he's around
And I can't seem to stop
I am never sad or upset

He understands
He gets me
I get him
That's all we need

So maybe it's not love
Maybe we won't live happily ever after
But we have now
And we have these feelings

So yes
To me this is real
I feel it
It's here

It might not be love
But you can't argue
That whatever it is
It is pretty darn magical

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