Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

"What type of guy do you want?" One of my best friends called Katy asked.

"I don't know," I blushed, looking down at my bare thighs "Someone who's nice, cute, someone who behaves good." I said and blushed even more.

"Aw come on, don't you just want someone who has abs and a big dick?" Lindsey, another friend of mine shouted before drinking her whiskey.

"Yeah, Rosie wants the D..." The girls laughed, they were all so drunk.

"You're all crazy." I giggled and drank the last drop of my drink "What now?" I asked annoyed when someone came standing behind me, I left the glass on the counter.

"May I help you?" one deep voice whispered in my ear.

The girls bit their lips and Lindsey lit a cigarette, I shook my head, but the boy took my move as a yes, he ordered one more glass whiskey for me and placed it on the counter in front of me, I grabbed the glass and started drinking as fast as I could.

The boy grabbed my long ponytail and softly pulled me backwards, he started massaging my shoulders and breathing in my neck, I didn't see his face yet, but from his voice I could imagine how he looks. Sexy.

I didn't pay attention to his touch so he stopped "So, what's your name?"

I continued drinking, I still didn't even look at him "I don't talk with strangers" I whispered.

"But you receive drinks from strangers, right?" He asking in a low voice, I rolled my eyes and kept drinking "Whatever." He said and lit a cigarette, the smoke was filled all over me and I started coughing. "Damn.." I heard him say "Wanna try?"

"No, thanks" I rolled my eyes.

"Pussy." He whispered in sarcasm, I finally looked at him and grabbed the cigarette from his hand, I was so tipsy, I put the cigarette between my lips, breathed in and then started coughing again. Shit, this smells and tastes so fucking horrible.

"This is not a normal cigarette. What's this?" I drank from the whiskey to calm myself from the horrible smoke.

"It's weed, baby girl. I don't think that you like it. Keep drinking your whiskey." He said taking another drag from it, I looked around me and saw my friends drinking and laughing with his friends "You just wanna sit here? Let's join them." He held my small waist.

"Leave me alone." I growled out to him, slapping his arm and hands away, I went towards my friends and sighed "Angie, I wanna go home.."

"No, sweetie, no going home tonight." She said while leaning her head against one of the boy's chests, I looked at the boy from minutes ago and touched his hand. "Can you please take me home?" I asked him as politely as I could.

"I will, but let's party a little before you decide to go home." He whispered taking my hand and going upstairs.

"Please, I wanna go home." I said, my tone pleading, scared and I was ready to cry, he didn't pay attention to any of my words, he was just walking and holding my hand in an almost dead grip, once we reach upstairs he opened one room, after we came in the room my friends and his friends followed, I was thrown on the bed by him and then everything went dark.

All I could smell was that horrible smell of weed, it was filled in the room, I heard moans from my friends and slowly opened my eyes.

The boy was shirtless, sitting on the bed next to me, when he saw that I was awake, he touched my legs and started to undress me.

"Please don't." I begged.

"You'll feel amazing." He said throwing my dress on the floor and he threw my shoes somewhere across the room.

"No. I just wanted to go home." I sobbed, he pulled down his pants and hovered my body. "Noo." I whispered in tears.

He started kissing me and squeezing my boobs, he travelled his hand down my stomach and stopped at my pussy.

He ripped my black lacy thong and put two fingers inside of me, my body was shaking and I was trying to get away but he was so strong and didn't let me move, I kept crying and screaming, but no one helped me.

My friends were having sex with those other guys and no one was looking at us. No one heard my begs and screams. I mean, they heard it, but they didn't care.

"Listen here you little slut," He tried to be rude and held my golden necklace with his index finger and thumb "Okay, then just don't cry." He said biting my bottom lip and pushing his dick inside me, I screamed loudly, feeling his whole dick inside me.

"No, please!" Was all I could say between the sobs, he was going faster and harder and my body was so numb, I understood that it was over.

I don't have any chance to escape, I'm here stuck in this bed with this guy who I don't even know on top of me, I gave up and just stared at one thing all the time, I stared at his crown tattoo, while my body was bouncing from his moves, he was moaning and sweating ready to reach his climax. The alcohol was dominating my body and head.

Every part of my body was hurting and I felt so weak. I just closed my eyes even when I felt warm liquid inside of me.

"Shit man, she's a virgin!" The boy shouted in surprise, and then I wasn't able to hear anything because I blacked out.


I was slowly waking up, licking my lips and looking around me, this room doesn't look like mine..

I swallowed and looked at myself, I was naked and under me was circle blood.

I was so drunk last night, I couldn't even remember what happened, I just know that I lost my virginity to a total stranger, I don't even remember his face, I don't remember anything!

I started sobbing quietly getting up from the bed and picking up my little black dress from the floor, my shoes nowhere to be seen.

I was so hurt, my body was hurting, my legs were weak but the pain between my legs was the worst, I put on my dress and looked at myself in the mirror.

"Where are your friends Rosie?! Where are your fucking friends?" I asked myself, then I noticed a couple hickeys in my neck "Bastard!" I screamed and punched the mirror with my hand, it started to bleed so I squeezed my hand and wiped my tears "I'll take this pain, I deserved it." I whispered and bit my bottom lip, getting out of this place and got in taxi only in my dress, my parents are probably upset, I wasn't home all night, punishment again.


Picture on the side is Rosie in her black dress and long ponytail, she has emerald green eyes, dark brown hair and is 5'3ft

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