Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.

In the car it was a dead silence, he opened the car window and lit one cigarette, outside was so cold and I was freezing.

"I'm cold, can you please close the window?" I asked.

"I thought that you hated the smoke." He said.

"I do, but I hate the cold more." I added, he didn't say anything and just closed the window, I was shaking, the car was filled with his smoke which I hated and I started coughing.

"Are you okay?" He asked and looked at me.

"Like you even care." I said and rolled my eyes, he rolled his too and made an annoyed face, he continued driving and the smoke became even more, he finally stopped the car and we were in front of his house, I opened the car door and took my little suitcase "Is this your house?" I asked and widen my eyes, he nodded, it was huge with a pool in front of the house, he wasn't just a dealer, he was a rich dealer.

I finally breathed the cold air placing my hand on my neck because my throat was still hurting and the cold air could make it worse, he unlocked the entry door and we got in his house. Wow, when I walked inside I was just watching every thing, the house was a mess but it was very elegant designed, I was slowly walking and looking at the ceiling and the big chandeliers.

"I don't want to kill your family," He finally spoke "I'll marry you and this story about rape will be forgotten, you'll tell your daddy that." He said, my suitcase fell on the floor.

"What?" I asked breathless.

"He'll go at the police station bitch, if they find out about rape they could find out about my shit too, you got it?"

"No, no, he won't tell the police." I said.

"I can't believe you or him in that matter, I only believe in myself. If your father thinks that I ruined his precious little daughter's life then I'll take the responsibility and shut his mouth, okay?"

"I'm only 17! Why are u doing this to me? Why?" I started to cry again.

"I must shut his fucking mouth dammit!" He banged on the table "I can shut him by marrying you or killing them all, your choice." He said, I sat on the chair and wiped my tears, my life was ruined, definitely.

My phone rang and Justin grabbed it.

"Your dad." He said and answered "Yes, sir?" Justin said and I sobbed, my dad was telling him something and Justin smirked "Hear this." He said and put my dad on speaker.

"If you've done that to my daughter, you have a responsibility to take care of her! You took her innocence and now you have to fix it." Dad said.

"He's reading my mind." Justin smirked.

"If you don't want me to go at the police station, you'll marry my daughter. You have no choice." Dad said, I put my hand over my mouth to stop my sobbing.

"Okay, we'll do that, tomorrow we'll sign the documents." Justin said and my dad hung up, I couldn't believe that he done this to me but now, since I wasn't virgin anymore, I guess they'll deal with the shame with the neighbor's gossiping, so they decided to make me marry him and cover the shame.

"So, you've heard it, tomorrow we're signing the papers, no wedding, no shit." He said.

"I don't want that either, I should wear a black dress then." I said.

"Rosie, I'll marry you just because I don't want to deal with the police but if you pass the limits, you know what'll happen." He said, I nodded my head and swallowed hard "I can kill all of you." He added.

"Okay, I get it!" I yelled "Just don't repeat that word anymore." I said.

"This will be your last time to yell at me, now go in our room." He said, pointing to the stairs with his index finger.

"Our room? No, I'll sleep on the couch." I said.

"First room on the left." He said in a strict voice ignoring what I just said "On the bed lays a lacy lingerie. Dress it." He whispered, lighting on a cigarette.

"I guess the nightmare is coming." I said.

"I'll come in a couple minutes, fix your make-up and wait for me on the bed." He said, looking through the window, I had no choice, I ran upstairs and opened the first door, it was a big room with a huge bed, it was like a king room, big mirrors, closets, an amazing chandelier, like in the movies.

On the bed was placed black lacy lingerie, it was so slutty, I slowly took my clothes off and let my own bra and panties fall on the floor, I quickly dressed the lingerie, I fixed my hair and the mascara, then I placed red lipstick on my lips, my long chocolate brown curly hair almost fell over my ass.

This lingerie is making me feel like I'm a cheap slut or something, I looked at myself in the mirror and made a disgusted face, I looked hot but I didn't like it.

I sat on the bed, like he said and waited for him, I was shivering and waiting, it was annoying when you need to wait for someone and I hated it, then I heard his footsteps, he was slowly walking up the stairs, I felt fear, passion, anger. My mind was mixed, then the knob moved and I swallowed hard, the cigarette wasn't in his hand but he was shirtless.

He came towards me and smirked. "You look like a lost puppy, you should be tame now because I got you in my cage." He whispered, I swallowed hard, he rubbed his dick through his pants "You used to be a wild lion, roaring at me." He bit his bottom lip and roughly grabbed my chin "Too bad I got you in my hand now and I can do whatever I want. Right, wifey?" He said and smiled in sarcasm.


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