Chapter 3.

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Chapter 3.

"Hello? Who's this?" He asked for the third time, my body was shaking and I was quiet "What the hell?" He said annoyed, ready to hang up.

"No wait." I said, my voice panicking.

"Who are you?" He asked slightly annoyed.

"I wanna talk to you.." I said, biting my lip bottom lip in anger and nervousness, he sighed.

"You want to buy some drugs?"

"No, I'm actually the girl that you raped yesterday." I said and clenched my jaw, he laughed and hung up, I called him again "Don't hang up on me bastard! I want to meet you and tell you everything in your stupid face!" I yelled while the tears were falling from my eyes.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked quietly in a low voice.

"Yes." I quickly answered.

"Okay, then meet me in the woods tonight." He said.

"In the woods?" I asked suspiciously.

"Mhm. Why, are you scared, little girl?" He asked, I knew he was smirking.

"No! I'll see you there." I said and he hung up, Oh god what the hell did I do? I was so scared maybe Angie was right, I didn't have to call him and now I'm in trouble..

I was hungry, so I needed to go downstairs, Laura was watching TV and she was still mad at me, she unlocked the door for me a few minutes ago.

"I said you must stay in your room until mom and dad came home." She said coldly, I wanted to tell her everything but I couldn't, if I told her she'll go to the police and everything will be messed up.

"Laura, please, I don't have the strength to fight." I said exhausted.

"Tell me the truth, were you raped Rosie?" She looked me in the eyes.

"No, I was not". I said "I made a mistake, okay? I had sex but please just keep that as a secret. Next time I'll cover you for mom and dad, I'll do everything for you, just keep my secret a secret." I begged, she rolled her eyes "Is that a yes?" I asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Done." She sighed, getting back on the couch.

"Thank you." I said and went to the kitchen, I put some cereal in a bowl with milk and ate it, mom and dad were about to come home from work, so I opened my books pretending to make homework.

"Laura, I'm going to Angie's house, see you later." I lied.

"You can't." She said, not looking at me but at the television.

"Why not? We have to do a project. A history project." I lied again. I'm lying more than I did in years...

"Do whatever you want then. I don't really care anymore." She sighed and went to her room, I rolled my eyes, my sister is so different, she is 23 years old, she's pretty but she doesn't like to party or something, she always obeys mom and dad, never makes mistakes, she cares for the house when mom and dad are at work, she wears long skirts and shirts, she doesn't want to be pretty, she doesn't want to find a boyfriend, she actually never had boyfriend of fell in love before and me? I'm only 17 and I had a couple of boyfriends and now I don't have my V-card anymore...

I couldn't focus on the studying I was pretending to do, I was thinking about that bastard, I was scared of him but in the same time I wanted to kill him, a lot of thoughts ran through my mind, I looked at my watch. it was getting dark outside, he said tonight and it's almost night, I put on my black Converse and quickly got out of the house, making sure that Laura didn't see me.

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