Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7.

I got downstairs and the dinner was served on the table, mom, dad and Laura were waiting for me.

"Honey why haven't you dried your hair?" My mom asked.

"Oh my hair!" I touched it and it was still wet "I'll dry it later." I said sitting down and taking the fork in my hands.

"So since you all are here, I want to tell you something," Laura smirked, drinking of her juice.

"What's going on?" Dad asked, she looked me and raised her eyebrow.

"Honey is it good news?" Mom asked.

"Yes it is," She said "I'm dating one boy and I want you guys to meet him." She said while blushing.

"Oh wow." I said in surprise "Of course sis bring him whenever you want." I said happy for her.

"How old is he?" Mom asked.

"Where does he work?" Dad asked and took off his glasses and squeezed his eyes

"Calm down, dad." I chuckled.

"He's a doctor, I don't know him that well, we met a couple weeks ago." She said.

"Is he gorgeous?" I giggled.

"Yes." She said and blushed.

"Well, then I'm more curious to meet him!" I said and smiled at her.

"When did you say he's coming?" Mom asked.

"Tomorrow mom." She said.

"Tomorrow?! We have to prepare something special, what is his favorite good?" Mom asked.

"Dammit Julia." Dad said and made an annoyed face "She doesn't know him that well." He added.

"Okay." Mom said and continued with eating "Then we'll make spaghetti." She looked at me.

"Don't look at me, I don't know how to cook, here's the master." I said and patted Laura's shoulder, she rolled her eyes.

"Sure, you're a princess." She said and I smiled.

"I'm done." I said getting off the table.

"But you didn't eat anything Rosie." My mom said.

"I'm not hungry," I said touching my neck, I went in my room and swallowed "Ugh, my throat."

I dried my hair, I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling, then my phone buzzed, the bastard doesn't leave me alone, he texted me;

'I liked the blow job, it seems like you're almost a pro but you still need some practice ;).'

I rolled my eyes and texted him back.

'HAHAHAHA you're a fool'

I saved him in my phone by the name 'Bastard' so when I see it I know that he'll annoy me with his sick messages.

My phone was in my hands and I expected him to text me back but he never did, I fell asleep with the phone in my hands and with my clothes on, Laura's voice woke me up, she was dressed in one red dress and she had make -up on.

"Wow Laura, you look pretty!" I said squeezing my eyes.

"Come on, get up, we need to make spaghetti, he's coming." She said.

"How you mean he's coming?" I asked.

"He's on his way." Laura said, I got out of bed and got in the shower, I didn't help her in the kitchen because I had no idea of cooking, I wore one red skirt and white blouse, outside was snowing but in our house it was nice and warm.

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