Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22.

I started to undress quickly and he watched me, he helped me with my thong and bra and threw them in the air, I moaned and touched his belt.

"Who told you to touch it?" He asked.

"I thought that-"

"I'm not undressing." He cut me off.

"Why not?" I asked confused, he squeezed me against the wall and started to kiss me "Ah, Justin." I moaned, thirsty for his touch, he smirked and started sucking on my neck roughly, trying to hurt me but he was just pleasuring me, he wanted to make me feel bad but he actually got me moaning, he put his fingers on my slit, pumping them hard and fast without warning, I screamed but then moaned, grabbing his blouse and trying to rip it off, but I wasn't that strong.

"What?" He smirked and when I was about to cum he took his fingers out, I was breathless and ready to scream at him but he shut my mouth with his index finger "Shhh.." He said and smirked, he stormed out of the room and got downstairs. I put on my clothes and ran downstairs.

"I know that I was wrong but you don't have to do this shit to me!" I said.

"You deserve it, little bitch." He said and he seemed a little bit calmed.

"No, Justin. This is not fair." I looked down. I'm not responsible for my parents mistakes in the past.

"Don't complain about this, Rosie, you're just punished." He said, I put my hand over my forehead and my mind was messed up, I didn't know what to do, to be by his side or by my parents side, suddenly he got of the chair and got in the kitchen.

"Can I go outside?" I asked him.

"No." He simply answered.

"In the yard?" I asked, he looked at me and sighed.

"Okay, but don't go out of the yard."

"I won't," I said and got out, I sat on the stairs and watched in the sky then I saw my mom coming towards me, I jumped and looked around me to make sure that Justin is not watching "Mom, what are you doing here?" I whisper/yelled.

"Calm down, honey, you just haven't called me for a while, I was upset, your dad was worried too." She said.

"Mom, Justin found the phone." I said.

"He what?" She said in surprise.

"It was my fault mom, he found out.." I mumbled.

"He found out about our plan?" She asked shocked.

"No, just the phone." I looked down.

"Oh, why didn't you just say that?" She sighed.

"So what mom? I'm in trouble anyways."

"No honey, you can calm him down, it's important to keep the secret about our plan, we already told the police, they know everything."

"What? Mom?!" I wide my eyes.

"Yes, Rosie, he'll die in jail, like I promised you." She said and kissed me on the cheek "Take his phone and call me tonight." She said.

"Are you crazy? I can't, he'll kill me!"

"He won't, my dear." She said and ran out of Justin's yard, I looked again around to make sure that Justin didn't see us, I came in the house and Justin looked at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Like you care." I sighed and placed myself on the couch, he sat down next to me.

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