Chapter 30. LAST CHAPTER!

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Chapter 30. LAST PART!!!

Finally our baby boy was born and when Justin saw that little creature, his mind changed. He loved the baby so much, he was holding it in his arms all day.

I decided to name the baby Justin, just like his father. I loved that name and I wanted to have another Justin in my life.

Sure, the baby was very little but how time passed little Justin started to look like his father. He had hazel brown eyes and a little sweet nose. His hair was blonde and his body was skinny and tiny.

Justin was playing with him, making him laugh and sometimes changing his diapers. Can you imagine? It was a beautiful view. Sometimes we were bathing him together and the joy in Justin's eyes was huge.

"He started to cry again." Justin said and made disappointed face.

"Ooh it's okay, come to mommy." I said and held the baby.

"I'll go and sleep, I feel tired." Justin said, walking upstairs.

"Okay honey, I'll feed baby Justin and put him in his crib and then I'll come in bed too," I said, he nodded his head and smiled "Okay little buddy." I said and took his little bottle milk from the kitchen and started feeding him.

After feeding him, I took him in his crib and turn off the light, he wasn't scared of darkness, he was a brave baby, just like his daddy.

Then I went in our room and crawled on the bed next to my husband.

"I thought that you were tired.." I said and stroked his forehead.

"I don't really feel good." He said.

"You have a fever." I said and climbed off the bed.

"It's okay, don't get upset," He said and got off the bed "I'm going to the balcony." He said.

"You want me to come with you?" I asked.

"No, I want to be alone. Go sleep baby." He told me.

But how could I sleep? Knowing that he has a fever and he's standing alone on the balcony trying to catch cold air,
I was about to get off the bed, but he came in the room and closed the balcony door.

"Justin?" I asked him in fear. I really didn't know what to do. It was late in the night.

"I'm okay, Rosie. Go back to sleep." He said getting out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going to take a pill calm down." He whispered.

"You seem so weak. Go in bed, I'll take your pill and a glass of water." I said.

"No Rosie, I'm not dead, I'll take it by myself." He said.

"Okay.." I looked down and he left the room.

He was very difficult. I stayed awake of course and after a couple minutes he got back and laid in bed next to me.

"Good night." He said.

"Night." I replied. I was sweatier than him. I was a little afraid. The fevers were often and he was becoming weaker everyday.

I stroked his hair. I was looking at the ceiling and thinking about life. I was checking him every minute. He never snored so I had to place my head close to his and make sure that he was breathing.

My heart was beating fast and I was so upset. Thank God the night passed well and in the morning Justin was okay.

He was a little sweaty but when he woke up, he took a shower and was okay. I changed our baby's diapers and fed him then I made us a breakfast.

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