Chapter 13.

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Chapter 13.

"I'm at home, why?" He smirked, sitting on the chair "You miss me already? Damn.." He said, biting his lip, I don't know why but I got jealous, I mean tomorrow we're getting married and he acts like noting is going on! "I can't tomorrow." He said looking at me "Don't be mad damn, I just said that I can't, I have a little.. Problem." He sighed, I'm his problem, huh?

"You can go to her place, I don't mind." I said grabbing the blanket and putting it around my naked body, he just smirked while I got out of the room "Bastard." I muttered furiously, I went to the huge living room and placed myself on the couch.

Why was I so mad? He's just a bastard! After a couple minutes he came downstairs, he was still shirtless but he was also wearing his boxers.

"Hey, come to bed," He said, going towards the couch, I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep, he touched my hair "Babe, I know that you're not sleeping."

"So what?" I asked and opened my eyes but I didn't look at him.

"I said come to bed, come on, it's late." He said, turning around, expecting me to follow him.

"The couch is more comfortable." I said, refusing to look at him, he turned around and bent over to whisper in my ear

"Don't be so jealous." He spoke, I finally looked at him in the eyes, giving him a deadly look.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"About Emma," He said. "Why are you so jealous?"

"Listen here, I'm not jealous because of a worthless slut." I said.

"How do you know that she's a slut?" He laughed.

"Because she's with you." I gave him a ironic smile, he laughed loudly and typed my shoulder.

"You're with me too."

"Yes, but.." I swallowed and rolled my eyes "But I'm not a slut, you forced me!" I said and clenched my jaw.

"Okay okay." He said walking upstairs and I followed him, he opened the door and I got in the room first then he locked the door.

"Why are you locking the door? I thought that we were alone.." I said.

"Yes, we are, I just like to lock the goddamn doors." He said, I got in the bed and he came after me, I was surprised, he treated me right, I expected him to yell or throw things at me but he was calmed.

I laid under the covers and closed my eyes, just when I was about to fall asleep I felt Justin pulling me closer to him, his hand over my waist.


I woke up in the big empty bed, I squeezed my eyes and quickly put on my clothes, I washed my face and brushed my teeth then I walked downstairs, Justin was drinking milk and on the table laid some papers.

"Come here." He said, I walked towards him and he looked at me "You want some milk?"

"No" I replied.

"Sign this." He said showing with his index finger to the papers, he had already signed, I held the pen and signed "Good." He said,

"Uhm, I was wondering, where is my phone?" I asked and stroked my forehead.

"Why do you need that shit?" He asked and continued drinking his milk.

"It's not in my bag." I added.

"No, because it's in my pocket." He said.

"What? But why?"

"Wow wow wow! Stop asking shit." He said.

"I wanna call my dad, give me my fucking phone." I said, he made an annoyed face and gave it to me, I grabbed my phone and made my way upstairs.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"To the bedroom, to talk with my dad." I said, he raised his eyebrow.

"You can talk here."

"I need privacy, okay?" I said, not obeying him.

"I'm your husband and you'll do everything in front of me! No privacy!" He said and clenched his jaw.


"Sit down." His eyes were angrier than ever.

"What did I do? I just asked.." I said confused.

"You know that I hate stupid questions, that I was good last night, doesn't mean I'm changed." He said.

"But why? Sometimes I feel like you're cute, emotional, that you like me, you're good with me and then you behave like I'm your worst enemy, I just don't understand it." I said honestly.

"Because I hate you! I hate all of you! But I hate you the most!" He yelled, banging on the table, I started shaking.

"You ruined my whole life!" I screamed.

"Stop saying that sentence! I didn't ruined your life, slut, you ruined mine!" He said and breathed heavily.

"Me?" I said confused.

"Yes! You and your family!" He was all red and angry, I went close to him and touched his hand but he slapped mine away. "Don't touch me!"

"Tell me then!" I yelled.

"Your dad," He swallowed hard "Your dad destroyed my life, he threw me on the streets!" He groaned furiously.

"What?" I half opened my mouth.

"My dad and your dad had a company, they were partners," He said, I sat on the chair because my legs were too weak "Then I don't know how but I lost my parents in a car accident, your father promised them that he'll take care of me but then you happened, you came to this earth and all attention was on you and then your father decided to throw me out and what could I do? I was only 5 years old, without parents, money or a home!" I saw one tear falling down his cheeks but he wiped it rapidly "I got raised in the daycare center and then I decided that it was better off with stealing, dealing and that stuff and look at me now." He said, looking me in anger.

"T-That it's impossible.." I mumbled.

"Ask your dad! Ask him who the fuck Justin is! Ask him, go on, call him!" He yelled, I started to cry, I was just shocked "And then I planned everything," He smirked "I'll destroy you, like you destroyed me," He groaned "That night, I was so happy." He laughed.

"Wait, you planned that night? The rape wasn't a accident?" I wide open my eyes

"Damn," He laughed "I planned that I long time ago, bitch!"

"What?!" A lot of things were spoken and I was shocked, I didn't know what was going on.

"That night I knew who you were, everyone knew, even your best friend Angie knew all of it." He bit his lip.

"Angie?" I asked.

"Yep, she brought you in the club for me."

"No.. No!" I shook my head.

"Yes!" He yelled "You know why? Because I paid her, I paid millions." He groaned.

"Angie.." I started to cry.

"Yes, your best friend." He added "You're alone, Rosie. Your parents lie to you, your best friend lies to you, everyone lies to you! But damn, stop crying," He said sitting on the chair "Life is a bitch, I suffered, now it's your time to suffer." He said, I wiped my tear but I couldn't stop my sobbing, he bit his lip and laid down on the couch.

"Come and sit here," He pointed at his dick trough his pants, I obeyed "Now slowly move your hips." He said while I was feeling his bulge trough the pants "You'll do this all day, all night until I tell you to stop." He winked, playing with the hem of my shirt "I'll hurt your daddy by making you my slut." He groaned.


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