Chapter 28.

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Chapter 28.

"Just give up, Rosie.." Justin said weakly.

"No Justin! I swear if you close your eyes I'll never forgive you," I said, wiping my tears "Justin we only have one life, let's live it!" I begged him to obey me just once "Think about the beautiful things. You said that life is very beautiful, right?" I told him.

"Yes but not mine Rosie. I have leukemia." He swallowed and I squeezed my eyes, trying to stay strong in front of him because if I started to cry, he would felt worse.

"It's okay, we'll deal with that!" I smiled although my heart was breaking.

"I started to not respond to the treatment baby. I'll die," He said and looked at his stomach "Look, it's bleeding more." He whispered in weak tone.

"Just stop with talking, don't talk. Just listen me, I will talk, okay?"

We were near one hospitay. Thank God in front of the hospital were some paramedics and they helped me, so I couldn't drag him in by myself, they held him in his arms and took him in one room, I was running after them but the nurse told me to stay out and stay in the hall, I explained that there was a bullet in his stomach and they nodded and told me to not get upset, I sat on the floor and started to cry, suddenly I saw Laura walking in the hall and my eyes widen.

"You?" She said surprised.

"Laura?" I looked at her and jumped off the floor then I saw my mom sitting three rooms after Justin's. Yeah, I totally forgot that dad was in the hospital, I ran towards mom and looked at her with hate.

"Honey, what are you doing here?" She asked me surprised "Did he let you to come and visit us? Or did you escape?" She was asking for any answer.

"No mom. He's here.." I whispered.

"What happened?" She asked.

"He tried to shot himself, he has a bullet in his stomach." I started to sob a little and my mom smiled widely.

"Oh thank God! You heard my prayers!" She said and I looked at her with painful eyes.

"What? Mom, are you crazy?" I asked shocked.

"I want him to die, all the worst. Honey, we're safe now. He'll die." She smiled and I slapped her cheek, I couldn't believe that I've done that.

Laura just put her hand over her mouth, mom put her hand on the cheek and looked at me in shock.

"Rosie how do you dare to do that?" Laura asked and a couple nurses came and slowly dragged me far away from them.

"Justin will live!" I yelled.

I was sitting alone in the waiting room, I was waiting for some news from Justin's condition maybe they fixed the wound but I was thinking about the disease, I know that leukemia is a deadly disease but I don't know of there's any chance to beat that and stay alive.

I was just waiting and waiting then finally the door opened and they told me that Justin had a operation and he's good now and the bullet is out of his body, I sighed and thanked God.

He was sleeping so I couldn't come in the room and talk with him but they let me look at him through the big glass window.

He was laying there with apparatus, I was tearing when I was watching him like that, in that moment one doctor came towards me and asked me.

"You're Justin's wife, right?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Then you may know that he's sick." He took off his gloves and glasses.

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