Chapter 14.

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Chapter 14.

"Don't make this harder for yourself, Rosie." He said and bit his bottom lip while putting his hands under my blouse.

"It's not my fault!" I squeezed my eyes.

"Yes it is, you're gonna pay for your parents mistake." He told me, I saw anger and hate all written on his face, he was really hating me and my family and maybe he's right, I don't know, how could my dad do something like that? I was still in shock, it was unbelievable for me, at that moment someone knocked hard on the door, Justin took his hands off me, he got off of the couch and looked out of the window.

"What the fuck? It's Laura." He said.

"Laura?" I asked in surprise.

"Go open the door," He said. "Probably she'll ask why you're with me." He sighed, I looked at him asking for a answer for her questions, I found the answer in his eyes.

"Can I tell her?" I asked him.


"The truth." I said.

"Don't you dare to do that just invent something." He said and sat on the chair, I swallowed hard and opened the door.

"Rosie?" She looked at me disappointed.

"Laura.." I mumbled.

"What are u doing here, Rosie? You want to take my boyfriend away from me?"

"No, Laura, listen to me." I touched her hand.

"No! Don't touch me!" She screamed.

"Just try to listen at me, I love him." I said.

"What?!" She screamed, Justin half opened his mouth and came standing behind me.

"But you were with me.." Laura said in a shock.

"We were lovers a long time ago, he just wanted to make me jealous." I lied.

"And you used me for that?! You know how hard was for me to find someone, you know that I hated myself!" She yelled.

"I know. I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say, Justin was just smirking evilly.

"Rosie I hate you!" She said looking at me in disgust .

"Laura." I whispered, trying to touch her but she slapped my hand away again.

"I fucking hate you! I hate the both of you! You destroyed my life, you took him from me!"

"I didn't take him from you! He never loved you!" I yelled, she slapped my cheek and I fell on the ground.

"Baby, are you okay?" Justin asked and held my hands, acting like he cares for me.

"Yes, thank you." I said, noticing the hate in his eyes.

"Laura, you should go now and leave us alone." He said trying to make her angrier, I looked down with tears in my eyes.

"When dad told me that you would get married I was speechless but now I see what kind of idiots you two are," She said, Justin just smirked and rolled his eyes and I was quiet because I didn't know what to say "Shame on you Rosie, I hope he'll use you and kick you out." She said.

"No, he won't. You know why?" I asked and took the papers from the table "Look, we're already married!" I showed the papers in her face.

"What?" She asked and wide her eyes.

"Leave now!" I clenched my jaw.

"Whore! I hate you!" She yelled in tears and I wanted to hit her but Justin stopped me, it's really painful when someone calls you a whore for no reason, she doesn't know that I'm actually the victim in this whole fucking story, she ran outside and jumped into the taxi she came with and left, I slammed the door and looked at him laughing.

"Wow, that was epic!" He said.

"I hate you! I fucking hate you, you bastard!" I screamed, hitting his chest.

"I guess now you don't have a sister, one less person in your life, I'll slowly take everyone away from you, dead or alive." He said.

"Okay then kill me." I said.

"What?" He turned around to face me, surprised of my thoughts.

"Kill me or I'll kill myself." I simply said.

"What the hell are you talking? No." He said.

"Why? Tell me"

"Don't ask shit, I want you alive to suffer." He said, turning on the TV.

"You'll never see that then." I said and took the jacket from the closet.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked, I took the gun and positioned it on my head, he looked me confused and got closer.

"I'm serious! I'll shoot myself right here, right now." I simply said.

"Are you going crazy, bitch? Throw the gun on the floor now!" He yelled.

"No! I don't want to live this life Justin! I don't want to live like this!" I said and started to cry and was about to pull the trigger, I didn't think at the moment.

"Just put it down." He said and looked me in the eyes, he was so close to me.

"No." I said and started shaking.

"Rosie, give me the gun." He calmly said.

"No no!" I yelled "Don't you dare to grab the gun from my hand, I'll pull the trigger." I said.

"You'll regret it Rosie, don't play with my nerves." He said, his voice still steady.

"No." I clenched my jaw, he was so close to me, I felt his breath in my face.

"Holy shit!" He said and pointed his index finger behind me, I turned around and he quickly grabbed the gun and threw it on the floor, I screamed and he held me in his arms.

"Leave me bastard!" I screamed hitting his back, he brought me into the room and threw me on the bed, I was shaking and he saw that, he sat next to me and stroked my hair "Don't." I sobbed.

"You know, some things must happen, I used to have a family, a home, love but it didn't last long, I wanted a great normal life but I wasn't lucky, sometimes life brings sad moments but you have to deal with it." He said, I looked at him weirdly and wiped my tears, he suddenly stopped and got off the bed.

"Why did you stop me? Please tell me.." I said.

"No," He said and changed his tone "Who are you to tell me this?" He said, turning around, quickly wiping his tear.

"I saw it." I said.

"So what? I saw a thousand of your tears." He said, looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his hair.

"I'm hungry.." I said.

"Go down and eat something." He sighed, placing himself on the bed.

"Can I?" I asked.

"I'm not that bad, of course you can, just go into the kitchen and take whatever you want." He said closing his eyes, I went in the kitchen and opened the fridge to take something, then I took the bread and one glass of water, when I turned around I saw one big knife on the counter, a thousand thoughts went through my mind, I took the knife and ran upstairs, I opened the bedroom door and looked at Justin sleeping on the bed, I looked at the knife, maybe this will solve my problems. maybe if I kill him this nightmare will stop and I'll live a normal life with my family.

Think about it Rosie, if he's alive, he'll torture you and then kill you and your family, those thoughts were running across my mind but in the same time I didn't want to do that, I understood that he's not that bad, he just has a pain in his heart, a big pain but I decided already I got closer to him, my hands were shaking I must to this.


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