Chapter 17.

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Chapter 17.

I woke up with my head on his chest, Justin was sleeping so sweet, I slowly got up and put some clothes on, I looked at him and he was still sleeping, his phone was on the nightstand so I was curious and wanted to look at his messages, I grabbed the phone and looked at the messages, there were a lot of messages from girls, I couldn't find something about his job, he got a lot missed calls of that Chris guy.

"Baby.." He said in a sleepy voice and I quickly turned around and bent down to kiss him so I took the opportunity to put the phone back on the nightstand, he was squeezing his eyes so he didn't see it, God, I was lucky, I stroked his hair.

"Morning, Sexy." I said, he smiled and got up "What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"I still can't believe in this." He said.

"What about now?" I asked and grabbed his head, I put my fingers in his messy hair and put my tongue in his mouth, he almost moaned but I broke the kiss.

"Umm, I'll think about that." He said.

"Do you want to eat something?" I asked, he licked his lips and looked at me in a dirty way "I meant food." I said.

"Who said that I thought something else?" He said and raised his eyebrow.

"No one." I said, I turned around and made my way out of the room "Put on some pants." I laughed and ran downstairs.

I went in the kitchen and made breakfast for him, two slices with Nutella and one glass milk, after a couple minutes he came downstairs and sat by the table, I put the plate and the glass in front of him and hugged him from behind.

"Mmm, sweet breakfast," He said, he started with eating and I massaged his shoulders "Damn, baby, don't do this while I'm eating." He said and stroked his bulge, through the pants.

"Naughty.." I said and bit on his earlobe.

"Damn!" He raised his tone and threw the slice on the table, he got up from the chair and grabbed me.

"I thought that you were hungry.." I said in a innocent voice.

"Yeah, I know what you thought." He said and squeezed my ass.

"Justiiin." I moaned.

"Are you begging me?" He laughed.

"Yes." I said and started kissing his neck.

"I got the dominance." He said and put his fingers in my mouth, I started sucking them and he got turned on.

"Ugh Justin." I moaned on his ear and that drove him crazy, he pulled down his pants and showed me the floor.

"Down," He lazily said, I got on my knees and placed my both hands on his v-line "Suck it." He groaned, I started sucking on his dick and he pulled my hair, I let out a loud groan and bobbed my head even more, he was enjoying and leaned his head back in pleasure "Damn, bitch suck." He said in a lazy voice and closed his eyes, he was so close for reaching his climax but at that moment his phone started ringing. "What the fuck!" He said, I took his dick out of my mouth.

"Your phone baby." I said.

"I don't care, keep going." He said and bobbed my head between his legs, his dick was hitting my throat but I didn't stop, the phone continued to ring and he got angry "Damn!" He yelled and forcefully pushed my head away, his pants were under his ankles so I found the pocket and gave him the phone, my hair was a mess.

"It's Chris." I said, he rolled his eyes "Can I continue with you big buddy?" I asked and he nodded, I placed his dick in my mouth and sucked on it again trying to make him cum.

"What's up, Chris?" He said and grabbed my hair "I told you that I'll take care of that, you don't have to mess with my business." He said, I continued sucking him but carefully listened his conversation "Damn, motherfucker. Are you trying to steal my job? I said that I'll deal with the cocaine. I've already told him the date and the time." He almost yelled "I'll do that perfectly, you'll be the fool, like always." He clenched his jaw and groaned "Enough." He looked at me and I took his dick out of my mouth.

I stayed on the floor and looked at him, his face turned into red and he was so angry "I will fucking kill you!" He said and threw the phone on the floor, that scared me.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked, he just looked me and pulled up his pants "What happened, now?" I asked,

"None of your fucking business." He said in anger.

"I'm sorry.." I said and looked down "Can I do something else for you?" I asked still looking down, trying to look innocent.

"No." He said and the anger in his eyes disappeared.

"I'm really sorry, I'll never ask again." I mumbled.

"Rosie.." Justin said.

"I'll be upstairs." I said, he held my hand and looked me in the eyes.

"He wants to deal the cocaine but that's my job, I already told the person the time and the date and Chris wants to deal with it and change the date but that's impossible." He explained.

"And which date?" I asked "I mean, I forgot, you don't have to tell me." I said and turned around but he held me by my waist.

"One week from now," He said and pulled me close to him, I smirked and bit my lip "Now can you finish me?" He asked.

"Can't say no." I said and got back on my knees, I sucked him again and brought him to his climax, he came in my mouth and I swallowed every drop of his juices.

"Amazingly hot." He said.

"Thanks, Daddy." I winked.

"Damn." He groaned and pulled up his pants "I gotta go now," He said "But prepare yourself for tonight." He licked his lips and playfully poked me with his index finger.

"I will, Daddy." I said in a sexy voice, he left and I opened the drawer of the closet and took the phone, I typed my mom's number and called her, she answered "Mom, he is dealing with the cocaine one week from now. It seems a big deal, he was so nervous." I said.

"Great honey," She complemented "What time, which place?" She asked.

"Damn, I don't know, I can't figure it out in one day." I said.

"Okay, but try it, this is our chance." She said.

"I know." I mumbled.

"When you find out more, call me and yeah, hide that phone if Justin sees it, you're dead." She warned.

"I know, mom." I looked from the window and hung up, I placed the phone back in the drawer and sat on the couch.

I was thinking about how to make him tell me the plan about the deal with the cocaine but how?

I was thinking a long time and I got a idea, to get him drunk.


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