Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

I arrived in front of my house and got out of the taxi, I paid the driver and stood in front of the entry door, I swallowed hard and knocked on the door, because the door was locked.

"Please, open up." I whispered, I was expecting mom and dad to open the door and blow my head with their stupid knowledge and questions about last night, instead of that my sister opened the door and greeted me with a confused smile "Laura? Where are mom and dad?" I asked her as I quickly came inside, making sure that no one saw me.

"Woah, where have you been?" She asked looking at me confused "There are hickeys all over your neck." She pointed out.

"Where mom and dad?" I asked again.

"They went to work, now tell me what happened to you." She grabbed my hand, she's 6 years older than me but she behaves like she's my mom sometimes.

"Mom and dad know that I wasn't home the whole night?" I refused her question, she shook her head.

"Nope, they thought that you got home late and that you were sleeping in your room, well, I thought the same thing actually." She said crossing her arms.

"Oh, thank God." I sighed and made my way up to my room.

"But they can find out.." She said.

"Laura!" I turned around "You wouldn't do that to me."

"Why not? Because they love you more and you're the favorite daughter? I'll let them know that their daughter is partying the whole night."

"Laura!" I shouted again.

"You probably slept with someone.." She said while looking at me in disgust, like I was some sort of trash..

"Yes! Yes I did! I was raped actually!" I yelled and ran upstairs.

"What the fuck?!" She shouted confused and ran up behind me, but I locked the door "Rosie open the door!" She was yelling but I put a pillow over my head, so I couldn't hear her.


I was in bed the whole noon after I showered and cleaned my dirty body.

I hate my life, I hate myself, I want to find that bastard and kill him with my bare hands.

My phone buzzed and I got message from Angie, I totally forgot about those bitches, the message was;

'Rosie where are you? Sorry for yesterday, we were all drunk. You aren't hurt, are you? X Angie'

I smiled in sarcasm and called her, she answered immediately and I started yelling at her.

"Are you happy now?!"

"Wait, can you explain it to me please? I was so drunk Rosie, how could I help you?" She said calmly.

"Just shut up Angie, I thought that you were my friend, I don't wanna see you ever again! You and those other friends of mine!" I was about to cry "That bastard raped me, Angie, and I don't even remember his face." I sobbed.

"You want to know him..?" She asked. Wait, she knows him?

"Yes yes! Tell me who he is! I need to know Angie." I said.

"But if you say something to your family, he could kill us, he's very dangerous Rosie." She warned in a low voice.

"How'd you mean? How could he kill us?" I widen emerald green eyes.

"Oh, Rosie I hope you didn't tell anyone about yesterday. Did you?"

"I mean.. Actually, no no I didn't." I lied.

"Good. His name is Justin, he's a well known dealer in the city but I advice you to stay away, he may raped you but can you forget about that? Just don't mess with him." She said with a stern voice.

"No Angie! He made me feel so bad, low and dirty and he'll pay." I clenched my jaw.

"I told you Rosie and don't call the police." She said.

"Done. I can deal with him alone give me his address." I said.

"No, Rosie are you crazy? He's dangerous, Rose, he's evil, pure evil and pulls the trigger in a millisecond." She exclaimed.

"Angie, I asked you something, give me his address." She sighed and told me his address, he was living 15 minutes away from my house, I decided to go to his place immediately and tell him everything in his face, I put on a white T-shirt and black yogaleggings, I tied my hair in a messy ponytail and unlocked my room, I got downstairs and my sister was sitting on the couch.

"Rosie can you explain to me now? Who raped you?" She asked worriedly.

"No one. I was kidding." I said, looking for my shoes in the closet.

"You're lying, tell me the truth Rosie!" She yelled and grabbed my arm.

"I told you! I slept with one boy yesterday but he didn't rape me! I wanted it!" I yelled, she slapped my cheek.

"How could you? You're only 17." She yelled.

"So what? You're just jealous because you're still virgin." I said in anger, she slapped me again.

"Go to your room!" She said angrily.

"No, I won't!" I shouted.

"I said go to your room and when mom and dad come home I'll tell them everything!"

"Who are you to tell me, stupid virgin?" I yelled and smirked evilly, she grabbed my arm, pulled me upstairs and threw me in my room then locked the door, I started banging on the door but she didn't open, I grabbed my phone and called Angie.

"Give me his number."

"No Rosie, just give up." She said and sighed.

"Angie I'm so angry don't make me angrier. Give me his number." I said through gritted teeth, she told me his number and I wrote that on a piece of paper "Thanks." I said and hung up, I swallowed hard and typed the number, I felt so nervous and afraid in the same time, after a couple seconds he answered.

"Hello?" He said in that same low and deep voice.


Picture on the side is Laura, she's 23 btw

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