Chapter 20.

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Chapter 20.

I got in our room and took the key, I opened the second drawer like I was told and took the weed, I went downstairs and saw him on the couch.

"Come here," He said showed his index finger, I smiled at him and sat next to him "Let's enjoy a little bit." He said.

"Oh no, I don't want that, thanks." I refused.

"Why baby girl? It's so good." He said.

"No really, I don't want to." I said and got off the couch.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Nowhere, I'm here.." I whispered.

"I don't like you this way." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"You're refusing me." He said.

"Please don't do this." I sat on the chair and put my hand over my forehead, he held the weed between his middle and index finger and pulled it up to his lips, he took a five very quick inward puffs then he held it in his mouth for like 8-10 seconds and swallowed it, he was enjoying it.. The smoke was all over the room and I started to cough and he laughed.

"Damn bitch, come here and take a puff." He said in a funny tone, I rolled my eyes and went upstairs, I hated that, after one hour I got downstairs to see him and he was fallen asleep, I stroked his forehead and he opened his eyes.

"Your phone baby," I gave him the phone and he answered it, I was curious and stayed next to him but he told me to go in our room "Why can't I stay here?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Because I said that you have to go to our room, baby." He said and he was serious, I obeyed and walked away, actually I didn't obey, I stood behind the door and heard his conversation, he was talking about the cocaine deal and I was interested in that a lot, Justin got off the couch and looked from the window.

"Wednesday at midnight, be there," he said "Okay okay, you know that I'M never late," Justin ran his fingers in through his hair "I'll give you the cocaine, you'll give me the money." Justin said and hung up, he threw the phone on the table and called me.

"Baby, come here." He said, I waited a couple seconds, then came in the room.

"What happened baby? Why did you kick me out of the room?" I asked sweetly.

"I didn't kick you out, it was a really important conversation." He said.

"And you don't trust me?" I asked.

"No, it's not that, I just must keep this as a secret." He explained.

"Okay, got it," I said "You don't trust me, you think that I would go and tell someone everything." I added.

"Oh umm I forgot something," He said and walked towards the closet in the hall. Shit, is he going to open the drawer? "I bought you something, umm.." He mumbled and opening the first drawer and I was shaking "Here it is," He said and took one beautiful diamond necklace, he closed the drawer and came to me, I was still shaking and out of my breath, what if he opened the other drawer and saw the phone? This game was very dangerous and it was getting harder every second "For my queen," He said and placed the necklace on my neck "So, what do you think?" He asked,

"It's.. It's amazing," I said "Thank you Justin but you know that I'm not a whore, right." I whispered.

"You always get the things in the wrong way," He said "But whatever, if this deal works, you'll get a thousand like this." He said and bit his lip.

"What deal?" I acted dumb, he looked me and stopped.

"Not important, you just enjoy and love me." He said.

"To love you?" I asked, does he really want me to love him?

"Yes, I want love, I want someone who cares for me, who loves me." He said sitting on the sofa, does he expect me to love him after all this shit that he has done to me? I sat down next to him and touched his hand.

"Tell me something.." I whispered "What is love?" I finished, he looked at me.

"Love? Why are you asking me this?"

"Because I never felt it. I never loved someone and no one even loved me, well, people say that love is the best thing that happens in life but.. Do you believe that?" I asked.

"Crap, no I don't believe in that shit." He said.

"Maybe when you'll fall in love, you'll start believing"

He laughed. "Never".

"What do you feel for me?" I asked him, he looked me and smiled.

"You're a beautiful girl."

"Just that?" I felt very strange, I wanted him to say that he loves me..

"I mean, you're a beautiful woman, you're smart too," He licked his lips and looked me, I felt like we were crazy teenagers in love, he was getting emotional for the first time, Is it right? Is it right to surrender him to the police? How will I look him in the eyes after that? "Rosie I have to go right now." He said.

"Where?" I asked.

"To deal with something." He said and kissed me.

"Okay but don't be late, okay?"

He nodded and left, I opened the drawer and took the phone, I need to find another place for that but first I called my mom to tell her the information that I got, I told her the day and the time, I just need to find out about the place and than it would be over.

Mom was very happy, she told me again that we'll get rid of him soon but that didn't make me happy this time, we hung up and I placed the phone in my pocket, for now, I was thinking the whole night and I couldn't sleep, I was waiting for Justin in the living room and it was almost 4 A.M then he opened the entry door and he laughed hard, he was drunk and he came next to me and fell on the sofa.

"What happened to you?" I laughed.

"Nothing, I just drank a little." He put his hand on his chest.

"A little? You're drunk as fuck! Come here." I held his arms and I don't know how but I took him in our room, he was heavy but I was dragging him up the stairs and he was laughing then I opened the bathroom door and turned on the water in the shower, I giggled evilly and felt the water, it was cold.

"Come here, Mr. Bieber, you need to wake up." I dragged him in the shower and he giggled.

"You'll shower with me?" He moaned and I laughed, I turned on the water and he screamed "It's cold. Shit!"

I laughed and he held my hand and dragged me in the shower, I screamed because of coldness and fell on him, he held my back and hugged me.

"Move, Justin! Let's get out of here," I screamed at him, he laughed and held me tighter "We should be sick after this," I said, he finally moved his arms from me and we both ran in the bedroom "It's your fault" I said and started undressing.

I kicked everything on the floor and he looked at me and bit his lip.

"What are you looking at? Undress," I said but he didn't obey, I quickly grabbed a towel and dried my body, then threw the towel in his hands "Dry yourself."

He smirked and took off his clothes, he dried his body with the towel while I was dressing into my pajamas.

"Find me something" He said, I hang him one pair of boxers and his pajamas "Nope, I'm good in this." He refused the pajamas and I placed them back in the closet, he put on the boxers and placed himself on the bed, I came in the bed after him.

"Why did you drag me in the shower?" I asked in madness.

"I have to ask you the same question." He said.

"Because you were drunk as fuck." I answered.

"Okay but that doesn't mean that you have to pour cold water on me." He said.

"Umm okay.." I coughed and got under the blankets, I cuddled up with him and fell asleep.


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