Chapter 15.

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Chapter 15.

I was slowly walking and got so close, his eyes were closed, he was sleeping so sweet, I was shaking even more and my heart was beating faster than ever, I was so afraid at the moment, I wanted to kill him but I wasn't a murderer, I moved my gaze to the window and looked at the sky then I looked at Justin again and his eyes were wide opened, I screamed and immediately dropped the knife on the floor.

"I-I was just.." I mumbled, while my hands were shaking.

"You wanted to stab me, huh?" He asked and raised his eyebrow.

"No, I, actually... Yes," I whispered, sitting down on the bed next to him "I thought that life would be better without you.." I mumbled.

"Good, you're right." He said.

"What?" I looked him confused, he smirked.

"Look, I'm not afraid of death." He said, climbing off the bed.

"Wait, you're not angry at me?" I asked, he started laughing.

"Look at you, how can you ever murder? Your hands were shaking so bad."

I rolled my eyes. "So you weren't even sleeping?"

"Hell no, I expected you with a gun, my dear." He laughed, I felt like a fool. "Tonight we're going to a dinner, guess where.." He said.

"Ugh, some of your criminals friends?" I sighed.

"Nope, at your parent's house." He said and gave me an evil smile.

"What? At their house?!" I was surprised.

"Mhm," He said "Dress something nice." He said and fixed his hair.

"Why Justin? Isn't this enough for you?" I asked.

"I said tonight we're going eat at their house, they invited us, by the way." He said.

"They invited us? Not possible."

"Damn girl, I thought that I was clear." He said and got out of the room, what the fuck? Why did they invite us? How will I face Laura after everything that happened this morning? I ran downstairs behind him.

"Justin, can you give me my phone?" I asked.

"No." He simply said.

"Ugh, just be good for once." I sighed.

"You tried to kill me and now you're teaching me for moral." He said chuckling.

"I'm like a prisoner in here, like a fucking prisoner!"

"Damn bitch, you came here yesterday." He laughed "You'll stay here till the end of your life."

I accepted my destiny, fuck, it was almost night and I started preparing, I put on one purple dress and put my make -up on, Justin came in the room, he was wearing a white shirt and a black pants, he had one of his necklace and he smelled good. "Are you ready?" He asked, I nodded, we got in his Ferrari and he drove towards my house, he lit a cigarette and opened the window.

"I still can't believe it.." I whispered, he looked at me and smirked.

"Me neither, I can't believe that I finally have revenge for my pain."

"What about this pain?" I said and touched my chest "Who will recover this?" I looked at him but he didn't look back at me, he continued driving and then stopped the car.

"We arrived." He opened the car door for me and held my hand.

"Let go off my hand." I said coldly.

"Don't act like a bitch in front of your parents maybe they will be by your side here but when we come home, you're in my hands again." He said.

"Okay, yes I know." I swallowed "You don't have to remind me all the time.." He knocked on the door and mom opened.

"Honey," She said and hugged me strong and Justin just rolled his eyes "Are you okay? Is he treating you right?" She asked and looked at him with hate.

"Mom, can we come inside?"

"Yes, sure." She said and we got inside, dad was sitting on the sofa, like usually and the table was served.

"Hmm, it smells good, I'm hungry." Justin said licking his lips, dad got off the sofa and we all took a place by the table.

"Where's Laura?" I asked.

"In her room." Mom answered, Justin sat next to me and put his arm over my shoulder.

"So, dear second parents, how are we?" Justin asked and smirked.

"Good." Dad said and I saw sadness in his eyes, he was too ashamed to look at me.

"Are you okay, Rosie?" Mom asked me.

"She's okay, stop asking shit." Justin said becoming angry.

"She just asked, okay?" I said and looked at him "Yes mom, I'm fine don't worry."

"Damn." Justin said and started with eating.

"What are you planning?" Dad finally spoke and Justin drank his glass of juice.

"Umm, she'll stay with me for now." Justin said causally.

"Don't you dare to touch her." Dad said, Justin started laughing.

"Nah, we're just having some fun time." Justin said and bit his lip, I looked down, embarrassed.

"I said don't!" Dad yelled and banged on the table.

"She's my wife now and I decide when I want to fuck her!" Justin yelled back, I blushed and got of the chair.

"I'm going to the bathroom.." I mumbled and ran upstairs, I locked the door and started to cry, looking at myself on the mirror before someone knocked on the door.

"Rosie, it's me." I opened the door, it was mom, she quickly got in the bathroom and gave me a phone "Take this," She said, I grabbed the phone and put it in my purse "I will call you every day and you'll tell me something about him." She said.

"Like what?" I asked and looked confused.

"Me and your dad made a plan, we all know that he's a dealer, right?" She began, I looked down "You know it too honey. You have to be good around him." She said.


"Honey, you must pretend that you love him, I don't know.. Make love with him or something."

"Thanks, mom." I said and wiped my tears and smirked in sarcasm.

"No, look baby, if he falls in love with you, he'll tell you everything, he could tell you about his job about the drugs he deals and the police will find out about him."

"It's not possible." I said.

"He'll die in jail." Mom said, she nodded and got out of the bathroom.

"Ugh, God why are you doing this to me? What if I fall in love too?" I asked myself, I got out of the bathroom and Justin was standing in front of me.

"Come on, Rosie, we're going home." He said.

"But we just arrived.." I said sadly, he touched me by my back and made me go towards the entry door.

"It was a nice dinner." Justin said and clenched his jaw then he slammed the door and we walked towards his car.

I was still keeping the phone in my purse.


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