Chapter 26.

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Chapter 26.

The doorknob moved and he appeared in the room.

"I'm really sorry, I had no clue that she would come over here." He said, I nodded my head.

"Yeah sure, you're so innocent. You have no a idea what's going on around you." I whispered in madness.

"Hey Rosie, you know that you're my only love, I fell in love with you." He held my chin, making me to look in his eyes, I refused and shook my head.

"It's over, Justin. I thought that you could love but I was wrong."

"You're always making wrong decisions." He said, I rolled my eyes.

"Just stop." I said and went to the closet to pack some things.

"You have to know that I'm deciding about you here." He said.

"Okay, that means that the evil Justin is back?" I asked him.

"The evil Justin hasn't go anywhere, I was behaving nicely only with you," He said and held my hand "Because I don't want fights with you, I know that I hurt you and you're not responsible for your parents mistakes." He whispered.

"Justin I have to tell you something," I said "Actually my mother cheated on dad with your father.." I whispered.

"What? No, that's impossible." He said.

"Yes Justin it's true, my mother told me," I said and for one second, I found myself on the laying floor "Justin?" I said in shock, stroking my hurt cheek.

"Don't you ever dare to say bad things about my father." He said in anger and his face was red.

"But it's the truth! That's why my father hates you." I said and Justin grabbed me and roughly threw me against the wall.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, putting his hand on my neck.

"J-Justin stop.." I said breathless, trying to push his hand away from my neck.

"Don't say bad things about my parents!" He squeezed my neck harder.

"What about my parents? You're shading them every time." I said all sweaty and breathless.

"Just shut up" He said moving his hand of my neck and I started to cough "Why? Why are you making me like this?" He asked.

"I'm afraid of you, please don't touch me.." I said shaking, I was really afraid, I felt the same fear like the first day, I tried to run away but he caught me and grabbed me by my hair.

"Lie down!" He screamed and threw me on the floor.

"Why are you behaving like this?" I asked him with tears in my eyes.

"Because you deserve all of this," He said and took the gun out of his jacket "Undress." He said.

"You know what? I'm not afraid! Kill me!" I yelled.

"Don't say things that you'll regret later." He smirked.

"I hate you Justin." I said.

"I know, I hate you too." He said the except same words like the day that we met in the woods.

"Then do it. Kill me, you're a murderer by the way." I said, he grabbed my blouse and ripped it off, I screamed and pushed him away.

"Bitch." He said and squeezed my arms, making me gasp from pain.

"You know, I always hated you." I said in anger.

"I know." He said and I felt a hard slap against my cheek again and I just closed my eyes and felt so weak, he placed me on the bed and I breathed heavily then I opened my eyes and it was kinda blurry, I was watching him opening one drawer and taking something, hiding behind his back then I felt something cold on my wrist and I knew that he just cuffed me on the headboard.

"You're sick." I said in tears.

"Yes, I am." He said, taking off my shorts and thong.

"I really don't care, Justin." I said, he started laughing.

"You're in my hands, Rosie. I was telling you that every time." He said.

"I think you're in my hands too." I said and he lifted my chin.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrow, like making fun of me.

"Yes." I said confident "You can kill me, I don't care, you'll die worser than me anyway." I said, he sat down next to me, looking at me with smirk.

"What is hiding in your little brain?"

"My brain is actually not little, bigger than yours actually." I clenched my jaw.

"I don't think so.." He whispered, touching me with his big hands.

"Don't touch me!" I growled, he hovered over me and started kissing me "Just stop it," I said, he kept kissing me and he pumped two fingers in me "No!" I screamed and he bit on my neck
"Fuck you!" I yelled, shaking my hands, trying to free myself but that was impossible.

"Don't make me angrier!" He yelled and I closed my eyes, afraid of getting one more slap, he sighed and put his hand down "Don't make me." He warned me.

"Look Justin, I really don't care. Do whatever you want." I said, feeling stronger because I knew that police will catch him on the port with the cocaine, he untied me and threw the handcuffs on the floor.

"I don't enjoy it with that thing. Make love with me Rosie." He said.

"I think you're sick!" I laughed and tried to get off the bed but he pushed me back, he quickly undressed himself and grabbed me, making me gasp.

For a couple seconds his dick was inside me, I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, grabbing his back with my nails, he groaned and went harder and faster while I was moaning.

He was sweating upon me and I was sweating under him too.

"Justin.." I moaned his name for the last time, he kissed me hard and bobbed his head on my neck.

"Ah Rosie, unfaithful Rosie." He whispered.

"Unfaithful?" I asked in confused tone and he faced me.

"I told you a thousand times, I tried a thousand times," He said, I really didn't understand him "I tried to recover everything, to hear the truth from your mouth but no. You never did that."

"Justin ho-"

"Shut up!" He cut me off ad pulled himself out me "I believed you, I let you go out alone without anyone following you, I brought you at a nice dinner, I took care of you when you were sick. I warned you a thousand times." He added.

"Which truth are you talking about?" I asked him.

"I knew that a long time ago but I waited you to tell me. You never did that so I won't give you that chance now. Now, you made things worse. Your daddy had a heart attack and he's in hospital," He said, I knew about the hospital but I didn't know why "Nice plan, Rosie but you and your family should've known that I never lose." He whispered, I nodded my head.

"What about the cocaine? You'll canceled the meeting? But you'll lose a lot of money." I said, he started laughing and stroked his hair.

"I already had a meeting, honey. The cocaine is there when it belongs. I got the money too."

I couldn't believe it. "So you lied." I said.

"No, I've done that yesterday. Thank God I knew that you can't be that perfect." He said.

"Okay, since you know everything, I want you to know one more thing," I said "You can kill me, I know that you want but I just want to tell you this" I said, he looked me in the eyes and leaned on the bed. "Okay, tell me."


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