Chapter 27.

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Chapter 27.

"Umm can I put the blanket around me?" I asked him and he nodded, I covered my body and sighed heavily.

"Tell me." He said.

"First time when I met you, I hated you. I hated you so much." I whispered.

"I know, I hated you too." He said.

"Can you let me to talk?" I asked him and he smirked a little bit "Days were passing and I started liking you, I mean for real then hated you again and liked you again. Sometimes I was feeling sorry for you, for your family, for everything that you gone trough. I think that I love you.." I said.

"Then why did you made that fucking plan? How can you love me and want me in jail in the same time?"

"I don't know, Justin. I was so pissed off about that Emma chick.. I'm really sorry, I just wanted to let you know that I really love you. Now you can kill me, I deserve it, really." I said looking down, he sighed and stroked his hair.

"I've warned you Rosie. I'm sorry that we will end it this way but that was your own decision."

"I know.." I nodded.

"Put something on you and come to the car. I'll be there." He said.

"Where? Where will go?" I asked him.

"To the woods." He said and left the room, in the woods? Okay, I get it.. I got from the bed and put on one sweater and sweatpants. I looked at myself on the mirror and reminded myself the words that he said to me the first day.

I knew that he'll kill me but I decided to stay calmed. I looked around the house for the last time and went in the car, Justin was waiting for me patiently and smoking a cigarette, I opened the car door and went inside.

"Let's go." He swallowed hard and started to drive.

"Look, I'm ready for everything. I'm not afraid." I said confident, he looked at me and smiled.

"You're a brave girl."

"Yes." I said and tried to wipe the tear that fell on my cheek.

"But your parents made you do this." He said.

"Can we not talk about that? Just do that and get rid of me, okay?" I looked from the window.

"If you want it like that, okay." He said and focused on the road, for a couple minutes we were in the woods.

"Get out of the car," He said, I got out and I started shaking but never wanting him to notice that "What is life beautiful don't you think?"

"No, life is shit." I said.

"No, don't talk like that," He said "You know life can be very beautiful if you make it. It depends on you." He said.

"What are you talking about? I hate my life, I'll be dead for a couple minutes by the way. Kill me and save me from this hell so I can go to another one." I said sharply.

"Jesus Christ, you don't understand it do you? I'm living hell, not you!" He said, sighing.

"What hell? You don't even care, you don't even have to care. Murderer." I whispered.

"Yes," He nodded "You said that you loved me.." He said.

"I did but not anymore." I said, I couldn't stop loving him, never!

"Liar." He whispered and his eyes were so strange. Like he was in pain.

"Kill me already, Jesus." I sighed, making fun of the death, like I lost my fears and turned into a fearless girl.

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