Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.

We finished eating and mom and dad had to go to work.

"It was nice to meet you Justin, you are such a cute, nice and sweet boy." Mom said smiling.

"Well, I like him too." Dad said and they got out of the house.

"You want me to bring your jacket?" I asked him.

"I don't mind leaving yet but if you want I'll leave." He said ready to get up.

"ROSIE!" Laura screamed and gave me a strict look.

"I just asked." I defended.

"You don't have to ask that." She said, while Justin moved from the chair to the couch.

"It's so comfortable here, come," He said to Laura, typing his lap, she smiled and sat on his lap, I made a disgusting face "Give me a kiss." He said provoking me, my face was turning red, if I stayed here one more minute I would explode, she pecked his lips and he giggled, his moves were making me so angry.

"Laura, can you help me cleaning the table?" I asked.

"I can't." She simply said and continued making out with him, I swallowed and took the plates, I brought them in the kitchen and got back, Laura and Justin were kissing passionately and I placed myself on the sofa.

"You're disgusting." I said and leaned backwards, Laura got off of him and sat down next to me.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Justin looked at me.

"Yes," I said, he smiled in sarcasm "What?" I asked and rolled my eyes.

"Nothing." He said, Laura looked us weirdly and seemed like she was jealous of our talk.

"So, do you guys want to eat a piece of cake?" She asked and stood up.

"That would be awesome, baby." Justin said and Laura went to the kitchen, Justin grabbed me and gave me a passionate kiss.

"Stop, she could come in." I said and pushed him away.

"Today. Today I want your body." He said.

"What?" I looked him with wide eyes.

"I will enjoy your body today." He bit his bottom lip.

"Don't you dare touch me." I said.

"You think that I'm blind?" He smirked.

"How'd you mean?" I raised my eyebrow.

"I see your jealous moves, you get mad and nervous every time I touch her." He said.

"No. You're delusional." I said and looked away.

"Hey, don't act smart, little bitch. I know that your pussy gets wet every time I touch you." He added.

"Bastard, you disgust me." I said, then Laura came with 3 plates in her hand with cake on it, Justin ate his piece of cake and sat next to Laura.

"So, what you wanna do?" He asked "You wanna kiss?"

"You're disgusting." I said and walked upstairs in my room, Ugh I hate him, I hate his presence, I hate everything about him.

I felt weird when I saw them two kissing I secretly wanted to be in Laura's place.. I was feeling passion for him, a mix of passion and hate, in the same time I was afraid of him, kinda messed up, right?

He was provoking me and making me jealous with her and I don't even know why I'm feeling jealous maybe I feel something for him? I don't know.

I stayed in my room for a couple hours and then went downstairs, hoping that he was gone but he was still here, Damn.

"Rosie, Justin will stay this night." Laura said.

"Why?" I asked and made an annoyed face.

"Because I want to." He said and I knew what he was planning.

"Where will he sleep?" I asked Laura, ignoring Justin smirking.

"In the guest room." She said.

"And you agree with that?" I asked and put my hands on my hips.

"I'm bringing home a boyfriend for the first time and you're making shit about that?!"

"Laura, what the fuck are you talking about?" I asked and widen my eyes.

"Are you jealous Rosie?" She asked bluntly and Justin smirked.

"No, Laura, you could take him in to your room, if you want. I don't give a shit." I said.

"No, I won't take him into my room, don't talk to me like I'm a slut, like you." She said, I turned around and saw Justin with widen eyes.

"What did you say?" I grabbed her arm and pinned her against the wall, Justin bit his lip and followed my moves. "Don't you dare to call me that ever again." I said though gritten teeth before clenching my jaw.

"Or what?" She whispered with evil smirk on her face.

"Laura, you don't know what you're talking about." I hissed, putting my hand on her neck.

"Rosie.." Justin walked closer.

"I'm not a slut!" I said and squeezed her neck harder and she let out a painful sigh, she started choking and I quickly took my hand away, she started coughing, a couple tears escaped down my cheek and I ran into my room, Justin went behind me.

"Open the door." He said.

"Go away!" I screamed.

"Open the door, bitch!" He yelled, that scared me, his yelling scared me so much, I opened the door and he stormed inside.

"What are u trying to do, little bitch?" he squeezed my arms, hard.

"Just leave me alone." I cried.

"I won't, I told you I won't, I'll be your worst nightmare." He said throwing me on the bed.

"Laura could come in." I said.

"No, the dumb ass bitch is taking a nap." He smirked.

"You're the same evil bastard, you'll never change." I said.

"Who said that I will ever change? Take off your clothes!" He demanded.

"Please." I begged him with tears in my eyes, he sat on the bed and looked at me.

"Strip, slowly." He said and bit his bottom lip.

"Please, be good just one time." I cried.

"I'm waiting." He said and crossed his arms. "And don't forget to lock the door." He whispered, ready to enjoy.


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