Chapter 10.

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Chapter 10.

I was thinking what to do, I wanted to tell my mom the truth but I was scared, I was afraid of him, I never thought that a man could be that evil, this was so serious, that man is sick, I thought that he was joking but I was wrong, he hates me, he's just hurting me.

I dressed myself and went in the kitchen for a drink, I took one glass and one bottle of brandy, dad was hiding that from us but I always knew the place, I sat on the chair next to the counter and started drinking and drinking maybe it will take the pain away, I drank one glass, then another one and I felt better, I kept drinking until I felt tipsy and the things in the room looked blurry.

"Shit.." I mumbled, knowing that I was drunk, if mom and dad came I'll be in trouble but I don't give a fuck, by the way nobody cares for me, I took my phone and looked at the saved numbers until 'Bastard' popped up.

"Bastard." I smirked and called him, I wasn't aware at the moment, he answered and I smirked.

"What's up bitch? You want more?" His ironic voice made me shaking.

"You'll regret for everything that you've done to me, bastard." I said.

"Oh really?" He laughed, he was high.

"I'm so sick of you! I will tell the truth to my family." I said.

"Do it and then I'll take you to their funereal." He said and laughed again.

"I'm not afraid," I said, drinking the last drop of my brandy "I don't give a damn, bastard." I laughed.

"You're playing with fire Rosie." He said and hung up, I threw my phone away and laid my head on the counter, after a couple hours I felt hands on my shoulders, I jumped and saw my mom.

"Honey, have you been drinking?" She asked.

"No, I haven't." I mumbled.

"Yes, you have." She said and rolled her eyes, she helped me to get up.

"What time is it?" I asked, squeezing my eyes.

"It's 10PM." She said "Go to bed, you look tired"

"No mom, just leave me." I said and put my hand over my forehead.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, leave me alone! Just leave me alone!" I yelled, she grabbed my hand and slapped my cheek.

"Run to your room because your dad is still in the yard, if he sees you drunk, he'll be angry." She said.

"I don't give a shit!" I shouted.

"I said go!" She yelled but it was to late my dad opened the entry door, he saw me drunk and came towards me, taking his glasses off.

"Are you drunk, Rosie?" He asked and saw the bottle of brandy on the counter.

"I'll go to my room.." I whispered.

"No! Tell me what's going on with you! Me and your mother were talking about you, we are worried about you."

"No need dad, I'm okay." I lied.

"No, you're not, what happened with you?" He asked again, tears escaped down my eyes and I started sobbing.

"Rosie please tell us." Mom said.

"I can't. I can't!" I cried.

"Someone hurt you?" Dad asked worried.

"Yes.." I started sobbing and shaking.

"Who?" He asked.

"What kind of hurt? Someone hit you?" She looked me in the eyes.

"I was raped.." I whispered.

"What?!" Dad shouted.

"Jesus Christ.." Mom said and sat on the chair.

"Mom are you okay?" I gave her a glass of water because she was shaking.

"Who was it? Tell me who he was Rosie, I'll kill him!" Dad yelled.

"No please, I can't tell who he is." I said afraid.

"Are you aware Rosie? Tell me who he was! Don't be afraid as long as me and your mom are here you're save." He said hugging me.

"I'm so scared.." I cried against his chest.

"Tell me honey, please.." He hugged me tight while I was shaking.

"Justin.." I sobbed.

"Which Justin?" He asked looking me in the eyes.

"Laura's boyfriend.." I whispered.

"The bastard was in our house?!" Mom said and wide her eyes.

"Yes." I said and looked down.

"Oh honey, why didn't you tell us?" She said and hugged me.

"It doesn't matter mom." I said, wiping my tears "You can't do anything, he's too dangerous." I quietly said, at that moment someone knocked on the door.

"Who can that be at this time of the day?" Dad wondered and opened the door "You!" He yelled and hardly punched Justin jaw, I screamed.

"What happened sir?" Justin asked.

"My daughter told me everything! I will kill you." I saw real anger in dad his eyes.

"You'll kill me, huh?" Justin made a ironic smile.

"Shit.." I whispered.

"Who the fuck are you to kill me?" Justin said wiping the blood from his nose.

"Justin, please." I begged, he took the gun out of his jacket.

"Oh my God!" Mom screamed.

"It's my time, Rosie! I wasn't kidding when I said what I said." Justin said, putting the gun on my dad's forehead.

"I hate you." I whispered.

"I hate you too." He smirked, my body was shaking and I was so afraid.

"You want me to kill him, little girl?" He asked and raised his eyebrow.

"No please, Justin, I beg you." I said, while the tears were falling down my cheeks.

"Then pack your clothes and come with me." He said.

"What?!" My mom shouted.

"You heard me bitch! She'll come and live with me in my house." He said.

"Never!" Dad yelled "Kill me if you want but don't you dare touch my daughter again!"

"I will pull the trigger, Rosie." He smirked at me.

"It's okay, daddy.." I said "I'll be okay." I ran in my room to pack a couple of clothes.

"No, Rosie!" Dad said.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine.." I said wiping my tears.

"Good girl." Justin placed me in the back seat of his car and got in the car, mom was crying and dad was angrier than ever, I was definitely the most scared right now, he drove down the driveway, taking me to his place, I was just sobbing quietly trying not make any noise while he was just smirking.

My pain was his pleasure.


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