Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

I was running 5 minutes, my heart was still beating fast and I was fighting with the cold air, my throat was in pain and I was coughing, I just wanted to arrive home and lay in my warm bed.

I came inside and slammed the door, my mom greeted me in the hall and took my hand.

"Where have you been?" She asked me.

"Mom please, I'm not in the mood." I swallowed, feeling the pain in my throat.

"You're not in the mood?" She asked and raised her eyebrow "Go in the living room. I want to talk to you."

"Can you leave me alone, please? I'm not feeling well." I said and started to cry, she looked me weirdly.

"But why are you crying? Honey, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly, I ran in my room and locked the door, she banged on the door and told me to open, but I didn't obey.

"Rosie tell me, what's going on with you?" she asked sweetly.

"Mom, please just go. I want to be alone right now."

"I'm your mother and I'm upset," She said "Is this about a boyfriend?" She added.

"No mom." I said while sobbing.

"Maybe you have school problems, or you had argument with Angie?" She asked again.

"Damnit mom! Leave me alone!" I screamed, after that I didn't hear her voice again, she probably left, I quickly called Angie and she answered it immediately.

"Hey Rosie." She said.

"Angie, I want to die!" I sobbed.

"Rosie why are you sobbing?" She asked worriedly.

"Angie he tried to kill me." I sobbed harder.

"What?" She screamed.

"He put the gun to my neck." I said.

"Oh my god.." She whispered.

"Angie tell me what I need to do. I-I will tell mom everything." I said wiping my tears.

"No girl! Don't." She said.

"But why, Angie? I can't deal with this alone. I thought that I could, but I can't." I said.

"Rosie, didn't you hear me? Don't tell anyone, you'll regret it believe me." She whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" I asked.

"Mom came here to visit me." She said.

"Oh sorry, I'm annoying." I was about to hang up.

"No, Rosie you know that I'm always here for you." She said.

"Yeah but spend a little time with your mother, we'll talk later." I said and hung up, I came in the bathroom and locked the door, then I stripped down and got in the shower, I let the hot water fall down my body.

His words were spinning around my mind "I'll never leave you alone." "I'll never leave you alone."

I was getting more nervous and hit the wall with my head, the water was steaming on my body and I was crying, I wanted to scream, to let this pain go away.

After 10 minutes I got out of the shower and put a towel around my body, I felt a little better, I opened the bathroom door and screamed.

He was lying on my bed with his arms behind his head.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled while my body was shaking from fear.

"You won't greet me, baby? Yeah, next time close you windows." He smirked evilly.

"Look, my mom is downstairs, if you do something, I will scream, hard." I said, going backwards.

"But look what I have." He said and took the gun out of his jacket, he climbed of the bed and got closer to me.

"Please don't hurt me.." I mumbled, he smelled my skin.

"Hmm you smell like a fresh flower." He cheered.

"Please." I whispered.

"I came here to give you your last chance." He said and bit his lip.

Damn he was so evil, I think that he hates me, he wants to torture me and make me feel like a shit but why? I didn't do him anything. I didn't hurt him, he unbuttoned his belt and winked. I sighed.

"Just fuck me already and leave me alone." I said tired of all his games.

"Not until you pass the first test," He smirked "Get down."

"My throat hurts." I whispered.

"Do I look like I care?" He said and raised his eyebrow "I'll fucking kill you and your family." He said, I got in my knees in front of him and took his dick out of his boxers, my towel fell on the floor and I was naked, I swallowed and took his dick in my hands "Remember, last chance. I don't forgive." He said, I took his dick in my mouth and started sucking him.

This was my second time so I was a little better, I swirled my tongue around him and licked it, he grabbed my head and let the whole dick in my mouth, I started gagging again, he was hitting my throat and pumping his dick in my mouth, I felt like I was choking but I couldn't make the same mistake as I made in the woods. I squeezed my eyes and went through the pain.
Then I heard my mom's voice;

"Honey, I made dinner. Come down to eat." She said sweetly, Justin took his dick out of my mouth.

"Damn.." He groaned quietly.

"Okay mom I'm coming." I said breathless.

"Be quick." She said and went downstairs again, he placed his dick back in my mouth

"I hate it when someone interrupts." He said and grabbed fistfuls of my hair, a couple tears fell on my cheeks "I'm cumming.." He said, loading his warm cum in my mouth "Swallow." He ordered, I obeyed him and swallowed all of his cum, my throat was burning "The practice made you better." He said licking his lips and taking the gun back in his jacket. "You saved your sexy ass." He said.

I got up and covered my boobs with my hand. "Expect me anytime and answer my calls whenever I call you." He said and gave me a kiss, I kissed him back just to not make him angry "Have a good appetite." He said and climbed out of the window after he gently slapped my ass.

I wiped my tears and put on my clothes. It was hard to act like nothing had happening, to hide that painful secret from my family but I had no choice. I had to do it.


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