Chapter 19.

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Chapter 19.

"I thought you wanted to drink, baby?" I said in a sexual voice, he smirked and leaned his head on the pillow.

"Drink." He looked at me.

"Umm no, I won't." I said.

"Why? You're afraid?" He smirked "The last time when you were drunk was that special night." He stroked his hair.

"I'm not afraid." I laughed in sarcasm.

"Really?" He chuckled, I drank the whiskey and raised my eyebrow at him.

"No, I'm not." I groaned.

"Okay, take another one." He said and sat on the bed and stroked my arm.

"Sure." I poured more whiskey in my glass and drank it.

"You're pretty brave, Baby Girl." He whispered on my ear, I licked my lips and swallowed, he poured me another glass and I was just smiling and feeling his touch on my skin, he stroked me and put his fingers in my hair, grabbing fistfuls, I was feeling tipsy and the things in the room were blurry.

"Oh, Baby Girl, alcohol is not for you." He said and took the glass from my hands, he put me down on the bed and he placed himself on my top, he started kissing me hungrily and I moaned.

I felt his boner on my crotch and he pumped his dick in me, I wasn't able to scream but I know that he was very energetic and he was thrusting in me deeply and hardly.

I closed my eyes and let my body to be controlled by him, after a couple minutes I felt his warm cum in me and I was dizzy.


I woke up on the right side of the bed and squeezed my eyes, Justin was sleeping next to me and we were both naked. Damn, I stroked my forehead and looked around me, I saw the bottle of whiskey and the glasses. Shit.

I put my head on the pillow again and tried to remember what happened, I know that he got me drunk but I was afraid, I didn't know what we talked about or maybe he was asking me something? Maybe I told him everything in my drunkenness. Fuck.

I shook him softly enough to wake him up, he was slowly opening his eyes and smirked.

"Morning." He bit his lip.

"Morning, baby." I said and faked a smile, he climbed and grabbed my chin with his hand.

"You bitch." He growled, I started shaking.

"I'm sorry.." I mumbled.

"How could you?" He gasped, squeezing my chin.

"I-I didn't mean that." I looked at him with fear, if I told something about the plan, I'll be dead for sure.

"How could you be so hot?" He said and kissed me hard a couple times then breaking the kiss and winking, I smiled at him and sighed, my heart was beating fast and my body was still shaking.

"I'll go take a shower." He said and got in the bathroom, I sat on the bed trying to calm myself, I had a terrible headache too, he'll find out about the truth, I can't stop it, I was getting scared every second with him because he changes moods all the time, one time he's good, later he's bad.

I quickly put on some clothes and cleaned the mess in the room, I took the bottle of whiskey and the two glasses and brought them to the kitchen, I took the opportunity and called my mom.

"Honey, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yes mom. Actually no. I'm afraid.." I mumbled.

"Don't! He'll die in jail, he wouldn't be able to hurt us anymore." She said.

"Okay mom, I got to go now." I said and hung up at her while I was hearing Justin's steps on the stairs, I placed the phone back in the drawer and bent down, pretending that I was searching something, he reached downstairs and I gotta say he looked sexy, his hair was wet and messy and he only had a towel around his waist.

"You don't mind drying yourself?" I asked him.

"No, unless you do it for me." He said and smirked.

"You're not a baby anymore." I laughed, he walked towards me and held my waist.

"Pretend that I am."

I couldn't help but giggle, his body was wet, his chest, his abs. I stroked him with my hands and looked at him.

"Where're your clothes, baby?"

"Here." He said and hang me a pants and boxers, I took his towel of him and started drying his body with the towel, he groaned and bit his lip, I got on my knees and dried his legs then I raised my head to look at him and noticed his boner, I took the boxers and put them on him, he sighed in disappointment but didn't say anything then I put his pants on him and zipped them, I buttoned his belt and smirked at him.

"Don't let the pants wear you, wear the pants." I said smirking.

Then I put the towel on his head, making his hair messier, I threw the towel on the couch and looked at his tattoos.

"You smell nice." I said and went towards the kitchen.

"Just that?" He asked.

"What else?" I teased him.

"I don't know, maybe sexy?" He placed himself on the couch.

"Well, you're cute." I said, giggling, quiet enough for him to not hear it.

"Cute? Blah." He rolled his eyes and I opened the fridge.

"You have a really sweet face and you're nice." I said again, serious but I was about to laugh out loud because of the look on his face, he was frustrated.

"Sweet? What the fuck?!" He screamed "I'm not sweet.." He added quietly but I heard him, I was ignoring him and he suddenly climbed off the couch and went behind me "First of all, I'm not cute." He clenched his jaw, I turned around, trying to make a serious face.

"Why? Then what are you?"

"I'm sexy." He said in a deep voice.

"Oh, sorry then." I looked down, trying to not laugh.

"And second, I'm not sweet, I'm hot," He said and looked at himself "This looks sweet to you?" He showed his abs.

"Woah, you seem pretty confident." I said and laughed.

"I am," He said "Don't call me cute or sweet again, okay?" He said and held my hand "That annoys me." He breathed.

"I know!" I laughed, he raised his eyebrow "Never mind." I said.

"So naughty girl, you want to make me mad?" He said in a sexual way. Damn this boy only wants to fuck!

"If you think about sex, forget it." I said.

"You think that I only think about sex?" He smirked, placing his large hands on my waist.

"Don't you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I think that you think more about that than I do, naughty girl." He smirked.

"No, I don't!" I exclaimed.

"Can you do something for me?" He asked me.

"Sure.." I said.

"Go in my room and open the second drawer, take the weed and come here." He said.

"Our room," I said, he rolled his eyes "And the weed? Where do you need that for?" I asked.

"Can you do that or not?" He asked letting go of me.

"Damn, okay calm down, babe.." I said and went upstairs.


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