Chapter 16.

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Chapter 16.

We got in his car and he slammed the door, hard.

"You see? We're never going there again." He said.

"It was your fault Justin, you made this shit." I said, he looked at me.

"Do you have something in your hand, Rosie?" He asked.

"What? I don't understand what you're saying.." I mumbled.

"You seem pretty strong, like you got something against me." He said, shit he felt something.

"No, I don't know what you're talking about." I said.

"Whatever." He said and started driving, I remembered my mom's words, I must be good with him and patient, I looked at him and he looked hot, he was clenching his jaw and his hands were on the wheel. Damn I never noticed that he has those long fingers and sexy hands..

I moved my gaze from him and looked out off the car window, after a couple minutes we came home, he was angry and he stormed out of the car, not even looking at me, I got in the house behind him and came upstairs.

I took the opportunity to take the phone from my purse and place it in drawer of the closet which is in the hall, Justin never opens that closet so I was sure that he won't find out then I got upstairs in our room and saw Justin sitting on the bed, I sat on the bed next to him and looked in his eyes.

"Are you nervous?" I asked him.

"I'm angry as fuck, leave me alone." He groaned.

"I can do something for you.. To relax you." I offered.

"No need." He refused.

"Are you sure?" I asked in a sexy tone and he looked at me weirdly "Maybe if I give you a.." I said and slowly took off his white shirt "Little massage, you'll feel better." I added and put my both hands on his shoulders.

"Damn, what's your game?" He asked and looked me, he smirked.

"I have no game, if you don't like this I'll stop." I said, he didn't say anything, just turned around and let me massage him, I slide my hands on his back and stroked it then I squeezed his shoulders and muscles and he groaned a little bit, I wasn't a pro at massaging but I could make him horny for sure.

He leaned his head back in pleasure and I took the opportunity to touch his abs, I was stroking them and his chest, my hand travelled to his belly then v-line and I finally touched his belt.

"Does your little buddy want a massage?" I asked in an innocent tone.

"He's not little." Justin said biting his lip and looking at his crotch.

"I'm sorry, big buddy." I said, I licked my lips and slide my hand in his pants, I squeezed him through his boxers and he sighed, I slowly unbuttoned his belt and unzipped his pants, I pulled them down a little along with his boxers, enough to take his dick out, it was so warm, I took him in my hands and squeezed it "Is he excited?" I looked at Justin, he looked at his own dick, then at me.

"What the hell happened to you, Rosie?" Justin asked suddenly.

"Nothing, I just realized how sexy you are.."

"You're hiding something." He said, like he knew about the deal with my mom.

"Yes, I hide something here, you wanna see it?" I asked and squeezed my tits, trying to skip his questions.

"Damn." He moaned.

"But first, I promised this big buddy a good massage." I said making circles on the tip with my thumb then I moved my index finger to his dick and stroked his vein.

"Jesus." He moaned. I grabbed the whole dick in my hand and started pumping it, damn on the tip was his precum already, I kept pumping it and he moaned loudly, for the first time I had the dominance.

"How does this massage feel? Is your buddy satisfied?" I asked.

"Not yet." He said, breathing heavily.

"Hmm okay." I said, I kept pumping him and squeezed his balls. Damn, that was the spot, he came in my hands, I put my hands on his abs and filled them with his own sperm, I sat on his dick and slowly took off my purple little dress then I took off my bra and threw it in the air, he licked his lips and cupped my both tits, I ripped my lace thong and he smirked.

"Which position?" I asked.

"I didn't know that you were a pro, like I remember, I took your virginity, right?" He said and smirked.

"You're the one and only who fucked me but these things I know, I just know them." I said.

"What? Naughty girl watched porn a lot?" He grabbed my hips.

"Let just say that I know that stuff.." I blushed.

"You're starting to impress me, you know?" He said, pulling his boxers and pants lower to his feet.

"I guess." I said and started slowly to ride him.

"I don't like it slow." He said.

"You're too big, Daddy, I need to get used to your size." I said.

"Umm, I like that." He looked me and smirked, damn he was huge, I was feeling pain of the first couple thrusts but then I rode him little faster and he stuck his nails on my hips "Damn, Baby Girl!" He moaned loudly, I rode him faster and faster and my boobs were bouncing "Yeah." He groaned.

We both were so close, he came first, loading his cum in me and I came after him, he sighed and I collapsed on top of him, we were both sweaty and breathed heavily.

"Damn, you're good." He said, licking his lips.

"You're a beast." I put my head on his chest and we got under the satin sheets.

"I really like you." He said and I smirked, that was my target, I was only afraid of falling in love with him.

His phone ringed, Justin answered while my head was on his chest, when he talked I was listening to him and kissing his abs while he stroked my hair.

"Okay Chris, the weed is here, I'll do that." He said "No no, we'll talk about that later, I can't now." He added "Chris, don't make me angry, motherfucker. That's my job so I'll deal the cocaine." He groaned, he threw his phone in anger against the wall.

"Are you okay, Daddy?" I asked and stroked his lip with my finger.

"Ugh no, kiss me." He said, putting his tongue in my mouth, after the kiss I asked again.

"Who made you this angry, Daddy?"

"That motherfucker Chris." He answered, playing with my nipple.

"Who's Chris?" I asked, he looked at me weirdly "I mean, I'm just curious but sorry that's none of my business, you don't have to tell me."

"It's one of the dealers he wants to do my job with the cocaine but I won't let him." He said and clenched his jaw, I nodded my head and rested my head on his chest again and felt his heartbeat.


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