Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24.

I woke up with Justin laying next to me.

"Justin.." I whispered, he slowly opened his eyes.

"Are you feeling a little better?" He asked.

"Umm a little.." I smiled.

"Let me check," He said putting his hand on my forehead "You're okay, are you cold?" He asked.

"No I'm not, not hot like I was before but still, I'm fine." I said.

"Good, that means that you don't have a fever," He smiled and stroked my head "Are you sure you're not cold?" He asked again, I rolled my eyes.

"No I'm not, you can even open a window." I joked.

"Are you serious? No, outside is still raining, you want me to hang you some clothes?"

"Oh yes, it's kinda silly to lay here naked in front of you." I blushed.

"Why silly? I mean I don't mind, you can stay naked forever." He winked.

"Very funny," I said sarcastically and laughed "Stop starring at my boobs and hand me some clothes."

"Why can't I stare at them? You wanted to be naked." He said.

"Yeah because in the room it was 30 degrees or something." I said.

"Okay okay." He got off the bed and gave me one pair of panties, he slowly put them on me and bit his lip.

"Give me a bra." I said.

"No bra." He said and licked his lips.

"Typical for a guy.." I sighed.

"You'll lay in bed the whole day?" He asked "You haven't eaten anything did you?"

"Actually no. I'm hungry." I said and stroked my belly.

"Okay, come here," He said and held me in his arms, he brought me downstairs in the kitchen and placed me on the chair "What do you want to eat?" He asked, I giggled.

"You can't cook!"

"That's true.." He said and opened the fridge "Maybe nutella?" He asked.

"Umm okay." I nodded and he took two slices and put nutella on them.

"Open your mouth," He said and fed me, we laughed and I forgot all about my headache and felt so much better then he placed nutella on my nose and ran away, I started chasing him around the house, he was running so fast and I couldn't catch him "Oh baby I love when you're running, your boobs are bouncing." He chuckled.

"Asshole!" I yelled and put a hand over my boobs, he laughed and run towards me, holding me in his hands and spinning me around, I looked him in the eyes and kissed him "Justin do you love me?" I asked, he bit his lip and sighed.


"I do love you.." I said and kissed him again, this time putting my tongue in his mouth then someone knocked on the door, Justin broke the kiss and I quickly opened the door, that was the same black boy from yesterday, it was Chris, when he saw me his eyes widen and he smirked then when I felt the cold wind on my boobs, understood that I'm only in my panties "Oh shit, sorry!" I said putting my hands over my boobs.

"It's okay baby, go upstairs." Justin said laughing and holding my waist.

"I'm sorry again." I said, I felt so embarrassed and ran upstairs to dress something, after a couple minutes Justin called my name but I didn't want go downstairs because I was ashamed, he called me again and went in our room.

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