Chapter 25.

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Chapter 25.

After a couple minutes he knocked on the door, I closed my eyes and wiped my tears, he came closer and sat on the bed, he stroked my thigh.

"I know that you're not sleeping."

"So what?" I said in madness and closed my eyes again.

"I'm not with her, I'm with you." He said.

"So why is she calling, huh?" I said in crying tone.

"She's just a whore." He stroked my head and I slapped his hand.

"You think that I'm joking?" I said and started to cry, he laid behind me and hugged me from behind "Get away from me," I said, he put his hand under my blouse and squeezed my nipples "Stop Justin!" I screamed.

"But you don't want me to stop." He said in my ear, trying to seduce me, I moved his hand out of my blouse.


"Okay, Jesus!" He yelled and stormed out of the room, slamming the door.

"Go to that whore, go fuck her!" I yelled, wanting him to hear me, I heard his footsteps on the stairs then slamming the entry door and locking, like always.

I bobbed my head on the pillow and begin to cry, I was crying nonstop but then got off the bed, wanting to go in the kitchen to take some water but then I saw Justin's phone on the bed, when he laid next to me, he threw his phone on the bed.

I grabbed it and found Chris number, after a couple seconds Chris answered.

"Justin?" He asked.

"No, not Justin, it's Rosie." I said.

"What happened sweetheart? Something bad?" He asked confused.

"Do you know Emma?" I asked him.

"Emma? Who's Emma?" He asked.

"Justin knows her." I said.

"Ooh Emma, Yes yes." He said.

"Who's she? His girlfriend?"

"Umm yes. Why?" He asked me, I nodded my head in disappointment.

"Okay, thank you.." I said.

"Wait, Justin would kill me if he heard I talked to you. Don't tell him about this." He said.

"No Chris, don't worry. I just wanted to make sure about that.." I said and hung up on him.

"Bastard!" I screamed and threw the phone on the bed "Fuck you Justin!" I yelled taking the vase from the nightstand and throwing in on the mirror.

The room was in mess, everything was thrown away, the mirror was broken, the things from Justin's desk were thrown on the floor, too.

I looked from the window and saw Justin sitting on the stairs, in front of the entry door.

He seemed upset, he was thinking about something, I thought that he left but he was here, my make-up was destroyed, so I moved from the window to fix it in the mirror.

**Justin's POV**

I was sitting on the stairs and thinking about my life, about Rosie. This should never happened, I wasn't planning to fall in love with my enemy but it happened. I don't know, should I love or hurt her?

I have so many problems to deal with, now she annoys me with her jealousy and maybe that's a good thing, that means that she cares and she loves.

While I was thinking from nowhere in my yard appeared Emma, when I saw her I was about to pass out.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I said turning around to make sure that Rosie was not watching me from some window.

"I came here for you, baby." She said and came towards me.

"Bitch, just leave." I said.

"No, I won't, I'm so sick of you kicking me out! What do you think?" She yelled, holding my hands.

"Go away." I clenched my jaw, pushing her roughly.

"You can't do this to me! When you needed me I was there for you, now you found her and you're kicking me out!" She yelled again.

"You're drugged? You smoked weed again?" I shook her.

"So what?" She yelled.

"Stop yelling bitch." I squeezed her arms and she let out a painful sigh, I turned around again to make sure that Rosie was not watching us.

"What? You're making sure that your princess is not watching us?" She laughed "Come here you motherfucking slut! Are you scared of me?" She started yelling towards the house.

**Rosie's POV**

I heard yelling and I looked from the window then I saw one blonde skinny girl yelling and Justin trying to push her away, I opened the window and she saw me.

"Oh you're right! She's hot." She said.

"Leave." Justin said through gritted teeth and clenched his jaw.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Emma!" She yelled and Justin rolled his eyes.

"Enough!" He pushed her away but I yelled.

"What do you want, Emma?"

"I want my Justin back, you stole him from me! You!" She yelled.

"Don't listen to her, she's drugged." Justin said, pushing her towards her car.

"No, I'm not! Leave me the fuck alone!" She yelled, I put my hand over my forehead "Why are you keeping this bitch here?" She asked Justin, I was so angry, I wanted to go down and kill them both but the door was locked "Don't tell me that you love her!" Emma yelled.

"I do!" Justin said dragging her out of the yard.

"You can't! You can't love!" She laughed at him and he slapped her hard.

"I hate you!" She yelled and jumped in his arms, kissing him roughly, I wide opened my mouth and the blood in my body was about to explode.

Justin didn't push her away, they were kissing for like 30 seconds and then he understood that I was watching so he quickly pushed her off him and threw her in her car.

I closed the window and sat on the bed, I couldn't believe my eyes, I was just shocked, the first thing that I saw was his phone, his phone laying on the bed.

I grabbed it and typed my mom's number in, I didn't think, I just wanted to scream, just wanted to punch someone.

I was waiting a couple seconds for my mother to answer the call, she was surprised when she heard my voice. She didn't expect me to call her ever again.

"Rosie honey, are you okay?" Firstly she asked, I was quiet "Are you there baby?" She asked again, I was still quiet "You know, I'm in the hospital.." She said.

"The hospital?" I asked, confused.

"Your daddy had a heart attack but he's fine now." She said.

"Well, tell him not to worry," I swallowed hard "He should be happy now because Justin is going to jail." I said.

"Rosie?" My mom said confused.

"Wednesday, at midnight on the port." I whispered.

"God, honey are you sure?" She asked.

"I want to catch him, he deserves jail," I said, breathed heavily and threw the phone on the bed, not wanting to hear her joy "You deserve it.." I whispered and wiped my tears away, hearing Justin's footsteps on the stairs.


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