Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.

I started running towards Angie's house, outside it was freaking cold and I was freezing, plus the wind was blowing though my hair when I was running and I had goose bumps all over my body, I was running a couple minutes and arrived in front of her house, I knocked on her door.

"Come on, Ang." I whispered, I was freezing cold and I was tired, thank God she lives alone, her parents are divorced and she didn't choose one of them, she's 18 so she can take care of herself, I knocked again and again and then finally Angie opened the door, when she saw me in my underwear she was in shock.

"Rosie, what the fuck happened?" She asked while she widen her eyes.

"Just let me in, I'm freezing," I said furious, we came inside and she gave me one pair of pants and a blouse "That bastard happened!" I said while I clenched my jaw.

"Oh.." Angie sighed "What happened now?" She asked me while massaging her temple.

"We were at one party then we had a argument, he told me to take off my clothes and left me in the woods." I said breathing heavily.

"Oh God." Angie couldn't help herself and started laughing.

"Are you laughing?"

"Sorry, Rosie but it's too funny." She said and continued laughing.

"I can't believe this." I shook my head.

"Okay, sorry, I'll stop, now let's sleep please." She said and whipped away a tear, I quickly dressed in one of
Angie's booty shorts and T-shirt before we laid in her bed next to each other and fell asleep.


"Shit." I got up quickly without waking up Angie, I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth "Angie, I'm leaving," I said and she just nodded, still sleepy, when I got outside I saw his car, he was inside smoking a cigarette and smirking, when I saw him, I opened his car door furiously "You were following me, bastard?" I screamed.

"Of course." He laughed.

"Why did you leave me in the woods almost naked?" I asked him.

"Because you deserved it, little slut. And I was in for a little show." He said winking, I rolled my eyes and he looked at me coldly "Don't roll your fucking eyes at me and get in the car."

"What? No!" I shook my head and slammed the car door, he quickly got out of the car and grabbed my arms "Leave me alone." I said.

"Stop dramatizing like a little child and get in the car." He said and clenched his jaw.

"That hurts me." I said, he squeezed my arms harder, I winced painfully.

"Just because I was nice to you doesn't mean that I'm changed, I'm still the same." He said and smirked evilly "Now get in the fucking car." He gave me a dangerous look and got in the car, I obeyed him and got in the car too, he started driving.

"My parents are upset." I told him.

"And I don't care." He and rolled his eyes.

"They will punish me for escaping from my room and you're responsible for that." I added.

"I don't give a fuck." He said coldly.

"Stop the car." I said, he looked me weirdly "Stop it!" I repeated, he didn't obey "What's wrong with you? You just want to torture people? What kind of man are you?" I asked leaning my head against the window "Rapist.." I whispered hoping that he wouldn't hear it but he did.

"What did you say?!" His voice changed the tone.

"Nothing" I swallowed.

"No, I know what you said." He added "Look at me." I didn't obey "Look at me, bitch!" He screamed and forcefully grabbed my hair and made me look at him."You'll pay." He whispered and drove towards the woods "Get out." He yelled, I was so scared, I got out and he was behind me, he took his gun and showed it to me.

"You won't do that.." I whispered.

"Don't be so sure of that." He smirked and bit his lip "Get on your knees." I obeyed and got on my knees "Now suck me." He said placing the gun on my neck.

"Suck you?" I mumbled from fear, he rolled his eyes annoyed.

"My dick, you stupid bitch." He said simply, I squeezed my eyes and slowly started to unbuttoning his belt, then I unzipped his pants, I pulled them down a little and took his dick out of his boxers, oh my god it was way too big for my mouth, he placed the gun on my cheek "One wrong move and your head explodes."

I put my cold hands on his warm hips and took his dick in my mouth, he didn't let me use my hands, he groaned and I started to suck him slowly, I had never done it before this time so I probably was bad but he moaned and with his free hand he grabbed a fistful of my hair.

"Fuck." He whispered, I continued sucking him and it seemed like he was enjoying it, he bobbed my head between his legs and I was feeling his dick hitting and sliding through my throat, I started gagging and I felt like I was choking, the pain was too big "I'm close, I'm so close." He moaned, biting his bottom lip, I almost choked and I couldn't handle anymore so I moved my mouth and took his dick out, he looked at me in anger and yelled "What have you done?!" Those evil eyes got me shaking.

"I-I'm sorry, I will do it again." I mumbled from fear.

"No need." He said frustrated, taking his dick back in his boxers "You know what you deserve now?" He said putting the gun on my forehead "Close your eyes, little girl." He said, I closed my eyes and tears were falling down my cheeks "Too bad.." He said. "You are so young." He smirked, while I was dying from fear.

Then he pulled the trigger and I screamed but I realized that I was still alive! My heart was beating like a drum. "It was just a rabbit. Just a rabbit." He smirked, I turned around and saw one grey rabbit covered in blood "This is your last chance or you may end like the rabbit." He said, I got up and started running, I was so scared, I was just running towards my house.

"I won't leave you alone! Did you hear me? I won't leave you alone!" He yelled and got in his car, tears escaped from my eyes, why did I had to call him that day?!


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