One Last Dance (Chapter 1)

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We were at Prom, nearing the end of the last slow dance of the night.

"You look very pretty tonight."

I laughed. "You've already told me that five times today."

He shrugged. "Just want to make sure you believed it!"

I smiled. "You can make me believe in anything."

The slow song ended and I pulled the corsage Ross gave me up my wrist a little bit.

He brought me over to the snack table.

"Would you like some punch," he asked me.

I nodded. "Sure."

He got me a cup, then one for himself. We toasted to our love and took a sip of our drink.

"Hey Laur, I got you something."

He took out a box. "Oh, Ross, you already gave me enough. What's next?"

He opened up the box to reveal the most beautiful locket I had ever seen.

"Oh my god."

He opened up the locket so I could see what was inside. My jaw dropped.

"Aww, Ross! This is so beautiful! You're too sweet," I said pecking his lips.

He smiled as he wrapped the necklace around ny neck and clasped it together. He looked back at me and frowned.

"Listen Laur, I need to tell you something." He paused.

"What is it?"

He sighed. "I'm staying back again."

My smile faded.

"My grades sucked," he continued. "And because of the band, I can't take Summer school. I have no choice but to stay back again."

"But Ross," I said. "This is your third time! We're Seniors now. I'll be graduating in two weeks, going off to college in a month, and your staying here to take senior year for the third time."

He shrugged. "It's not my fault the teachers are buttholes. I thought I was doing quite fine in all my classes."

I took a step away from him. "Ross.... I don't think this is gonna work out."

He perked up. "What?"

I sighed. "I said I don't think what's between us is going to work out. I'm moving all the way across the country soon and you're not coming with me like we planned." I paused. "I can't do long distance, Ross."

He looked down. "Fine. You think we should break up?"

I hesitated before nodding, hoping he'd fight for me.

"Okay," he said stoically. "Whatever! I'll just find a girl whose hotter than you to bang next year."

And with that, he walked away leaving me crushed.

"Fine," I yelled back at him as he walked away. He turned to look at me. "Don't fight for me! I can obviously see that you never cared. And you know what?! I could care less about you and your stupid corsage. It doesn't mean anything to me!" I threw it on the ground and stomped on it before running out of the room.


That was five years ago, when I used to go to San Fransisco High. I dated that loser senior year and we broke up over long distance and a fight. After going to college in New York for a degree in education, I moved back to California, to LA to become a teacher. I've been teaching College Prep English for three years, and between the noisy kids and the chaos, never have I been as frightened as I am right now. I was looking at my class list. Yesterday, I was told that I was getting a new student tomorrow and when I looked at the list today, I was shocked to see the words. "New Student: Ross Shor Lynch, block 1" written at the bottom of the paper.

It was then that the memories came flooding back; how much we loved eachother, but how easily our relationship fell apart, the constant tweets from R5 fans asking me if I missed him. Even some of the kids I teach have asked me that question. I mean, of course I missed him but as far as I was concerned, Ross was off flirting with every girl he met, touring the world with his family. There was no doubt he already forgot about me.

Sometimes I wished I was out there, touring the world, creating my own music. Before we broke up, Ross was trying to get me a record deal with the company that signed his band. I guess he gave up after our fight 'cause I never heard from any record company. Why should I care anymore though? I had a job as a teacher now, and I'm perfectly happy... I guess.

But as I saw Ross's name plastered on my class list, I knew things were about to get a whole lot harder.

I mean, first off, I can't believe he's still a senior. It's been six years since his first attempt at graduating.

Second, he's like, 24 years old right now. Couldn't the school board just let him go already? He's an official adult.

Third, he's old enough to just drop out. What's stopping him?

I laid the piece of paper down on my desk and sighed. I stood up and put my jacket on. I grabbed my stuff and walked out of the school and to my car. I headed home in distress. When I got back to my place, I immediately crashed out on my couch. All I could think about was Ross and his family. I hoped that tomorrow, when he cones into school, things won't go wrong. I hope things won't be awkward.

I took hold of the necklace that after five years still found its way around my neck. I looked at the silver heart locket and caressed the blue jewels that were set into the edge of it. I opened it up to see the picture Ross had put in there. It was of us on our first date at a carnival. We had taken it in a photobooth. He had kissed my cheek for the picture and I was blushing like crazy.

On the other side of the inside of the locket, the words, "Only you..." were engraved into it. I closed the locket and set it down upon my chest.

I laid my head back on the couch and sighed. I closed my eyes and soon enough found myself dozing off.

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