One Last Dance (Chapter 11)

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After about ten minutes of sitting in my car, thinking over what Laura had just said to me, I got out and slowly closed the door, still in thought. I walked inside and headed upstairs to my room.

I locked the door, sat on my bed and stared out into space.

"Ross," I heard one of my bros yell. I just ignored them.

"Ross," I heard them yell again.

I heard a loud pounding on my bedroom door.

"Hey Ross. Open up!"

I didn't answer.


I blinked trying to get out of my thoughts.

I stood up carefully and walked to the door.

"Ross, I said open up!"

I unlocked the door and turned the doorknob to open it. Without even looking my brothers' straight in the face, I sulked back over to my bed and sat back down.

"Why the hell would you do that," I heard Riker ask.

I shrugged.

"Do you know how much you hurt her," Rocky asked.

I didn't say anything. I just stared off into space again.

"Are you alright, Ross," Ell asked.

I blinked myself out of my thoughts and looked up at him.

One single tear slipped out of my eye. I shook my head at Ratliff's question and went back to staring into space.

I felt a pat on my shoulder. "You really love her, don't you," Riker asked.

I nodded and choked out softly, "I lost her.... I lost her for good. She's gone. She'll never trust me anymore."

I covered my face in my hands.

Ryland spoke up. "At least you got to kiss her a lot today. Knowing you, you must have enjoyed that."

I turned my head to him and stared him down.

"What," he said putting his hands up defensively. "Laura told us what happened."

I continued staring him down.

He gulped. "Not helping?"

I shook my head. "Not helping!"


I heard the door to the house slam shut and Ross ran upstairs without even a look at us.

I turned to the others as even more tears streamed down my cheeks.

Riker sighed. "We'll go talk to him."

He and the boys ran upstairs calling Ross's name.

Rydel and Vanessa gave me a huge hug.

"We're really sorry, Laura," Ness said.

I half-smiled. "It's fine. I put it upon myself. I shouldn't have trusted him when he told me to."

Delly sighed. "You know, he's actually very trustworthy. Maybe your just overthinking the whole situation."

I raised my eyebrows. "Maybe your underthinking this whole situation! You weren't there! He was about to rip my shirt off, guys! I stopped our kiss. Then he told me to trust him again. I did and then guess what happened? The superintendent walked in on us!!"

Rydel put her hand on my shoulder. "Calm down Laur. We understand why you're so upset. Really, we do. All we're saying is that we think you should really give Ross a chance."

I raised my eyebrows. "I already--"

"No you didn't," Rydel interrupted. "It's been two days. That's not long enough to be given a second chance."

I nodded. "Yeah, it is."

"No, it's not," Rydel argued.

"Delly," Vanessa yelled. "We talked about--"

"I know we did," she interrupted. "But you don't understand." She turned back to me. "Do you know how hurt Ross was when you guys broke up?!"

I looked down.

"No you don't," she answered for me. "He was broken, he was upset, he wouldn't talk to anybody for months! I can't see my brother like that again because you wouldn't give him a real second chance!"

I felt tears fall down my face once again. I can't believe she was saying this.

She continued. "He loves you Laur! He loves you to death, and I can't believe you don't see that. You guys kissed today and it almost turned into something more! That's because you love him too. But you don't truly love him because you're listening to the stupid superintendent instead of your little bitty heart!!"

I took a step back scared.


She turned around to look at my sister.


Vanessa said almost in tears, "You're starting to sound like our parents!"

Rydel didn't say anything for a few seconds but when she turned back around to look at me, her face had softened and her eyes were full of guilt.

"I'm so sorry," she said quietly. "I just... I'm worried about Ross."

I looked down. "What about me? Are you worried about me," I asked raising my eyebrows.

She paused. "Well--"

"It's alright," I said. "Our parent's weren't worried about me either."

Rydel shook her head. "Oh Laur, of course I'm worried about you. It's just, I hate seeing my brother upset, especially about my best friend who won't realize her true feelings for him soon enough."

I sighed and looked down. "It doesn't matter anyway. Ross and I can't be together again, the superintendent said so."

Rydel said softly, "Do you really have to listen to the superintendent?"

I hesitated. "I... I just don't want to lose my job."

Rydel nodded. "I understand. But when you want to rebel, just come on over and don't hesitate to kiss him or something!"

I shook my head but laughed a little anyway. "You know I love you, right?"

She smiled. "I know. You'll always be my little sister."

I hugged her. I looked over her shoulder at Vanessa.

"Come on in Ness. You're my big sister too!"

She smiled and joined our little group hug.

On the outside, I was smiling and drying my tears but on the inside I was frowning and the tears kept falling. I really didn't know what to do with this whole situation with Ross.

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