One Last Dance (Chapter 18)

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After the macaroni and cheese fiasco, I hopped in the shower. Ross wanted to hop in with me, but I told him no. We're not yet at that stage in our relationship.

Anyway, when I was done, I threw a towel around my hair and took some clothes from Rydel's dresser. Ross hopped in the shower and I walled around the house a little more, searching for where they kept all their music stuff. I had searched all the upstairs room and found nothing.

Then, I remembered... The basement.

But where is the door to the basement? You know, new house and all.

It took me like, 5 minutes, to finally find the door behind the staircase. I opened it and instantly knew it would lead me to the basement.

I walked down the wooden stairs into darkness. I found my way up the stairs again and searched for a light switch or something.

Right by the door, on the right side of the wall. That's where it was.

I pushed it up and light overwhelmed the room.

I walked back down the stairs and my jaw dropped in awe of how many instruments they had. They had definitely gotten more since I first moved to New York.

There were a bunch of guitars placed in the corner of the room right next to the amplifiers.

Right by that, was the drum set, complimented with even more types of drums and bongos and percussion type instruments. 

Spread all around the room were things in the brass, string, and woodwind groups and in the back of the room, laid up against the concrete wall was a piano. I walked up to it and sat down at the bench that was placed before it.

Like earlier at school, I played the basic keys a few times before pulling out my cheesy lyric sheet. And when I say cheesy, I mean actual cheesy. It kinda got dirty earlier during that little food fight we had.

I placed the paper in front of me, on the rim of the piano where you can place sheets of music.

I looked around wondering if they had any pencils down here. I got up from the seat and searched. I found one on top of one of the amplifiers. I took it and sat back down.

I looked at my song, at the notes I had written down earlier, then at the piano keys.

Taking a long, deep breath, I placed my hands on the keys and started playing.

"Me and you. Ooooh. So glad I got a guy like you," I sang.

"Me and you. Ooooh. Always got eachother's back, we do."

I stopped and played that last line again, switching up the notes a little bit to fit the mood of the song a little bit more.

I started again.

"Me and you. Ooooh. So glad I got a guy like you. Me and you. Ooooh. Always got eachother's backs, we do.

"Cause everything's a little bit better when you and I stick together. Stuck on you. Ooooh. Me and you." I stopped and picked up my pencil.

"That was really good!"

I turned around to see Ross standing in the doorway of the basement, with only a towel wrapped around his waist.

I smiled. "Thanks."

He started walking down the stairs. I turned around.

Gosh, I can't handle him when he's in only a towel. He walked over to me and sat down next to me on the piano bench.

I gulped.

"What's wrong," he asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing. It's just, you're only in a towel."

"Yes?" He said this as if encouraging me to go on.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Well, I know you were like that yesterday and I didn't really mind but that was for a pretty solid reason. Now, you're just down here in a towel for no actual reason."

"I didn't feel like getting dressed yet," he said. "Is that a solid enough reason for ya?"

I rolled my eyes. "Ross..."


I stared him down.

"Alright," he finally said. "I'll get dressed soon. But first, tell me! What was that song you were singing? Was it a new one."

"Yeah," I said picking up the lyric sheet. "I started writing it today in first block."

He took the sheet of music out of my hand and read it.

"Wow, Laura," he said still reading it. "This is really good!"

He handed it back to me.

"You know what," he started.

I crinkled my brows. "What?"

"Once you're done writing that, you should preform it in front of a bunch of people.

My eyes widened. "What? Why would I want to do that?"

He shrugged. "I don't know but it would be cool, wouldn't it?"

I shook my head. "No, not cool. Frightening."

"Oh come on," he argued. "I'm pretty sure R5 wouldn't mind performing with you."

"What would be the point in the preformance, anyway? Why are you suddenly bringing this up?"

He bit his lip. "For my own specific reasons."

I raised my eyebrows suspiciously.

He continued. "You don't need to know just yet. I want it to be a surprise. Just... Just trust me on this, okay?"

I stared into his eyes for a few seconds. "Alright," I said. "Count me in."

He smiled and leaned in to peck me on the lips before getting up and heading towards the stairs.

"Where you going," I asked him.

He looked back at me and smirked. "To get dressed."

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