One Last Dance (Chapter 15)

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-The next day-

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slammed my hand against the alarm clock that was on the bed stand that was next to my bed.

I got up and stretched out my arms and legs. I sighed. Yesterday was nice. I didn't go to school. I had stayed at Ross's place all day, hung out with him, Vanessa, and Rydel.

Late last night, I headed home and immediately crashed out on my bed.

The past week has been crazy with the Lynches moving here, Ross being in my class, us getting together, then breaking up, then getting together again.

All I could think was one thing. Thank God its Friday!

I walked into the kitchen and took a gogurt from my fridge. I quickly sucked it all down. I took hold of my keys, my bag, and headed our to my car.

I got in and headed to Dunkin's for my daily dose of caffeine. I bought an iced coffee and drove to the school.

I parked my car in my usual spot and hopped out. I scanned the parking lot for Ross's car. When my eyes landed on it in the back of the lot, I realized that he was there.

Ross was standing right beside his car and he looked like he was searching for someone.

I headed over to his car. When he saw me, he smiled, and took a few steps forward, meeting me halfway.

"Hey," I said softly.

"Hey," he said back.

I sighed. "So obviously, once we get in there, we have to act natural. We can't let anybody know. Not yet."

"Not even your students," he asked.

I shook my head. "Not even my students. If I told them, they'd freak out, spread word to everyone, and eventually, word would spread to the superintendent and we wouldn't want that."

"Alright," he said smoothly. "Just remember, even though we have to keep this a secret, I don't love you any less."

I smiled. "I love you too."

Ross looked around cautiously, before taking my hand and pulling me behind his car.

He knealt down and I followed his move.

"What are you doing," I asked.

He smiled. "I told you I loved you. Now for the proof."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you--"

He interrupted me by crashing his lips on mine. Instantly, I kissed back and we moved our lips around in a gentle but passionate way.

Ross brought his hand up to my face and carefully caressed my cheek.

I brought my hand to his neck and twirled the ends of his hair with my finger.

"OMG! Raura!!"

Ross and I pulled away and turned towards the sound.

I gulped. Oh no.

I stood up and took a step towards her. "Shh, Gabby. Don't tell anyone! You can't!"

"Why not," she asked. "Everyone wants you two together! Everyone would be happy to know that you guys actually kissed!"

"Listen! Yes, we are together and we kissed but you have to understand that actually not everyone would be happy about this."

"What do you mean," she asked us.

Ross chimed in. "The stupid superintendent guy caught us kissing in the teacher's lounge a few days ago. He told us that if Laura wanted to keep her job, we couldn't be together. If he finds out, Laura most likely won't be your teacher anymore. Do you want that?"

Gabby hesitantly shook her head. "No, I don't. She's my favorite teacher."

I smiled. "And if you don't tell anyone at school about us, you'll be my favorite student."

She nodded. "Alright. I won't tell anyone at school." She paused.

"But is it alright if I still tell my Instagram and Twitter followers?"

I sighed. "Sure, Gabby." I turned to Ross. "We're going to head in now. You should probably wait a few minutes to come in so, in case Mr. Hammer's keeping a close eye on us, he won't get suspicious or anything."

He nodded. "Alright, beautiful."

I pecked him on the lips before heading to Gabby, to walk in with her.

"I can't believe you two are dating," she said excitedly.

Laughing, I said, "It's what you've always wanted, huh?"

She nodded. "I've been waiting for this for five years."

I laughed again. "Well, I'm glad you're happy but if you could just hide your excitement while were in the school, that'd be great."

"Okay," she said. "I will. I'm sorry."

"It's alright. Just be careful not to just blurt everything out."

She nodded. "I'll be as careful as I can be!"

"Thank you," I said.

Once we got to the doors of the school, I opened up the door, let Gabby walk in, and I followed her.

We walked up to my classroom and unlocked the door.

We were a little early so I just let her play on her phone for a little bit while I took out a piece of paper and pen.

I jotted down the words, "Raura," with a heart around it.

Right below it, I jotted down, "Ross and Laura" and drew a heart around it.

Underneath "Ross and Laura," I wrote "You and Me."

I smiled. I placed the piece of paper aside and pulled out another.

I bit my lip before lowering my pen to the top of the paper. I wrote in cursive, on the title line, "Me and You."

I twirled the pen in my hand.

That would make a good song title.

I slammed my hand against my head.

Stupid Laura. I can't believe I was thinking about that.

I'm a teacher, not a singer.

Not anymore.

I stared down at those words.

"Me and you," I whispered to myself.

I hesitantly lowered my pen to my paper again, and right below the words "me and you," I wrote  "everything's a little bit better when me and you stick together." And below that, I jotted down the words, "stuck on you," And below that, I wrote "me and you," again.

I smiled.

Maybe writing just one song wouldn't hurt.

The bell rang and I looked up from my piece if paper. Everyone was already shuffling in.

"Hello class," I said.

"Hi Ms. Marano," they answered.

A few of them looked confused.

"Um..." Sydney started. "Where's Ross?"

I sighed. "He's not in this class anymore. Mr. Hammers moved him to another once he found out that we had a past."

"What," she yelled. "But what about Raura?!"

I sighed. "It's just not going to happen anytime soon."

"Aww," the whole class said.

I glanced at Gabby. She was staring at the floor, not saying anything. I looked back at the paper before me.

"Class, I know its depresssing," I said. "But how about this? Today, instead of doing work, we all write creatively, about anythinng we want?"

The whole class yelled, "yay," in excitement

As they took out their papers and pens, I staref back down at my paper and decided that eight there, right then, I was going to write a song.

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