One Last Dance (Chapter 16)

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First block went by fast and so did 2nd. And third.

Soon enough, it was my lunch break.

I walked down to the first floor of the school and walked into the music room.

The music teacher, Mrs LeBlanc, was in there, working at her desk.

I knocked on the side of the door. She looked up.

"Oh hey Laura? Lunch break already?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Do you think I can use your piano for a few minutes?"

She looked over at it. "Sure. Go ahead. You play?"

I nodded again. "Haven't played in five years but I wanna try again, for the sake of old times."

She smiled. "Alright."

I walked over to the piano sitting in the corner of the room and sat down at the bench in front of it.

I quickly played the basic notes for warm up.

As my fingers twirled upon the piano pieces,

I picked up my hand for a second, looking at it, fascinated.  I didn't think it would sound that good after five years of not playing.

I stuck my hand in my pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper. I unfolded it and placed it against the piano.

Reading the words and the notes over again in my head, I took a deep breath before placing my hands gently on the piano again.

My breathing was deep but my heart beat faster and faster. I guess you could say I was nervous.

I closed my eyes and played a few of the basic keys again.

With my eyes still closed, I danced my hands across the piano to the not-so-basic keys.

I let the music absorb me. I let my hands do all the work while my soul was made new again.

I opened my mouth and softly sang, "It's okay to be me next to you. It feels good to be one of the two, just like glue.

"Me and you. Ooooh. So glad I got a guy like you.

"Me and you. Ooooh. Always got eachother's back, we do.

"'Cause everything's a little bit better when you and I stick together.

"Stuck on you. Ooooh. Me and you."

I stopped playing and with my eyes still closed, I smiled. It had been so long since I played like that.

"Five years, huh?"

I turned my head to see Mrs LeBlanc was watching me.

"You sound really good for someone who hasn't played in five years," she said.

I laughed. "Thanks."

She smiled. "That song you were singing. What's it called?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I've been thinking of naming it 'Me and You.'

She raised her eyebrows. "You mean you wrote that?"

I nodded.

"Wow," she said sounding shocked. 'Laura, you've got talent."

I blushed. "Thanks Jodi. It's not done but at least I got the chorus right?"

"It's a pretty darn good chorus, yes"

I smiled.

"So," she continued. "I get that you're the 'me' in that song but who's the 'you'?"

My eyes widened. "No one. I got the idea of the song from High School Musical, not from like a boyfriend or something."

She eyed my suspiciously. "I didn't say anything about a boyfriend."

I shrugged. "I assumed that might've been what you were thinking."

She shook her head. "No. I assumed you had a best friend that I didn't know about."

I bit my lip and gulped. "Oh," I said embarassed.

She laughed. "It's alright. You don't have to tell me anything."

I sighed of relief. "Thank God. The reason behind this song is just... so personal."

She nodded. "I understand."

Suddenly, the bell went off. I looked towards the clock that was in the room.

"Oh my goodness," I said. "My lunch break's over. I better get back to my room."

"Alright," she said smiling. "Should I expect to see you here maybe tomorrow during your lunch break?"

I smiled. "Yeah. Expect me."

I took my piece of paper, folded it up and stuffed it back in my pocket. I stood up and walked out of the room.

I walked to the stairs, and rushed up to my room. When I got there, standing in the doorway was Mr. Hammer, the Superintendent.

"Hello Ms. Marano," he said.

I hesitated. "Um... Hi."

"Why don't we step into your room for a little bit," he said. "We need to talk."

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