One Last Dance (Chapter 32)

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We searched Laura's phone for any information that may lead us to where Laura went.

What was strange was that she had made seventeen phone calls that half hour before she left.

We tried calling all of the numbers she had called but all of them, and I mean, ALL OF THEM, went straight to voicemail.

We were completely clueless.


I have been shoveling in the backyard of my old house for an hour.

It's a lot more difficult to dig into dirt than I thought it would be.

I was finally done digging the hole though. It was big enough for both my parents bodies to fit.

Time to get them.

I laid my shovel on the ground and headed inside.

All my kids were picking up the place, throwing away glass and trash with their safety gloves on, dusting away dust, cleaning up the place.

"Hey Laura," Sydney said coming up to me with a trash bag, "The bathroom's all set. You ready to take care of your parents?"

I nodded. "How about you guys clear out while I get them. I don't want you guys to see their bodies."

She nodded and turned around. "You heard her! Everyone into the living room corner. Miss Marano's ready for the bodies!"

Everyone scurried into the living room and gulping, I walked upstairs to their room.

They were right where Ness and I left them but they were shriveled. They were worn.

I took my mom's dry body and placed it on top if my dad's.

I picked them both up bridal style and walked them out of the room, down the stairs, out the door and carefully plopped them into the hole in the ground.

I took the shovel into my hand and covered them in dirt.

I kept shoveling dirt onto them until thy were completely covered, and the hole was filled with a smooth layer of dirt at the surface.

I walked over to the side of the house where I had laid my suitcase.

I zipped it open and pulled out the small shrine I had made out of my pillow, my clothes, my jewelry, a sewing needle, a pair of scissors and a black marker.

It was half a pillow with different patterns of fabric sewed onto it. In the center of the pillow, in black marker, I had written, "We loved you, when you were nice, and when you were mean. Rest in peace. Hope you get to share your nice personalities in Heaven as angels."

I placed it gently on the dirt and stepped back.

I'll miss them, even after all they did.

I walked back inside.

Everyone was back to work.

"Someone hand me a trash bag. I'm gonna help out too."

Sydney gave me a bag and smiled. "Finally get your closure?"

I nodded. "Yeah. To be honest though, I didn't think you guys would show up. When I called you all about what I wanted to do, I couldn't believe so many people would want to help me clean out my dead parent's house."

She shrugged. "We really just wanted to see you again."

I smiled. "So, what's done?"

"The bathroom, the living room, and one of the room's upstairs. The fridge is too. You could start with that step if you want."

I nodded. "Sure."

I started walking away.

Sydney grabbed my wrist.

I looked back at her. "Is Ross coming tonight?"

I sighed. "I don't know. I'll think about it."

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