One Last Dance (Chapter 12)

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After my... discussion with Delly and Ness, we all decided to go upstairs to their room to do something that would get my mind of the whole situation.

Rydel put in The Wedding Singer, one of those good old Adam Sandler Rom-Coms, and we sat on Vanessa's bed and watched it. I was so tired though, that in the middle of the movie, I found myself dozing off.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slammed my hand up against the stupid alarm clock forcefully.

The beeping stopped and I turned over on my bed. I didn't want to go to school today. I was too upset.


I felt someone shaking me awake.

"Go away," I mumbled.

They kept shaking me.

"Laura," I heard a voice say, "It's ten o'clock in the morning!"

I mumbled again, "I'm sleeping. Go away pretty unicorn."

I felt a push and in an instant, I felt my body hit the floor.

I opened my eyes to see Ness and Rydel hovering over me. "What the hell," I grumbled. "I was sleeping."

Rydel stuck her phone in my face. "It's ten o'clock in the morning. You're late for work!"

My eyes widened. "Shit!"

"Hey, watch your language, sis," Vanessa said helping me from up off the ground.

I crouched over. "Ow, my back," I yelled. I looked over at them. "Did you really have to push me off the bed?

Delly nodded. "You're a really heavy sleeper."

I rolled my eyes. "Not usually."

Vanessa laughed. "But when we were back at our old place, it took always took me hours to get you up."

"Well," I complained. "Now a days, I can barely even get any sleep. Stupid work!"

Vanessa patted me on the shoulder.

I sighed. "Can you show me the bathroom? I need to look presentable when I get to school. You know, if I'm gonna be late, I'd like to arrive fashionably."

Rydel smiled. "Sure!"

She walked me out of the room and down the hall a little ways to a closed door. She rolled her eyes.

"There must be someone in there," she said.

I listened carefully and I swear I heard the shower running.

Rydel put her head up to the door. "Sounds like someone's just taking a shower in there. You can still go in to go to the bathroom, brush your teeth, ect. You can use my tooth brush if you want. It's the pink one."

I raised one eyebrow. "While one of the boys are in the shower?"

She nodded. "Me and Ness do it all the time. It's a family thing, you know."

I nodded. "Okay... I guess."

Rydel knocked on the door.

We heard a muffly, "what?"

Rydel yelled back. "Laur's coming in!"

We heard another muffly "what?"

Delly rolled her eyes. "Just go in," she said.

I nodded "Alright."

I opened the door and walked into the steamy bathroom. I shut the door and locked it.

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