One Last Dance (Chapter 21)

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~The Next Day~

I drove to school happily. Yesterday was amazing! I preformed in front of a bunch of people at the mall and R5 played a show after me.

Everyone loved the songs and everyone seemed happy that Ross and I were back together.

Nothing could ruin my mood.

When I got to school, I parked in my usual spot and got out.

I walked up to the building with my bag of stuff in my hands.

I hurried up to my room. Strangely, the door was already creaked open.

I opened it a little more so that I could walk inside the room.

I took a step in and gulped when I saw the superintendent and another lady standing by my desk.

They were talking.

"Ahem," I said getting their attention.

They looked over at me.

"What's going on?"

The superintendent walked up to me. "Ms Marano, I'm afraid this isn't your room anymore."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean? Do I have a new room or something?"

He shook his head. "No... I was on Twitter last night--"

I raised an eyebrow. "You have a Twitter?"

He nodded. "Yes, I do. Why do you sound so surprised?"

"I'm not," I lied. "Anyway continue."

"So I was on Twitter last night and the same photo kept popping up in my feed. You know what that photo was?"

I bit my lip, hoping he wouldn't say what I thought he was going to say.

He continued. "It was of you and Ross. Can you guess what you two were doing in it?"

I looked down. "I know what we were doing and you don't have to say it. But listen, it's not what it looks like--"

"No," the superintendent interrupted. "Don't try to explain yourself. I have given you so many warnings. I have told you a million times that you have to stay away from him or you'll lose your job. But you didn't listen to me. You ignored me. Now consider yourself jobless. You're fired!"

I bit my lip to try and stop the tears from flowing.

"Please Mr Hammer, give me one more chance!"

"No," he yelled. "Now, get out of this room! Get out of this school!"

I let a tear fly down my cheek and I turned around to start leaving.

As I did, the bell rang and all my students started shuffling into class.

Some noticed I was tearing up and asked me what was wrong.

I told them I couldn't be their teacher anymore. I told them I'd been fired.

They almost started to cry with me.

I gave them each a goodbye hug before leaving the room.

I sulked through the empty hallways until I got to the entrance to the school.

I slowly walked out into the school's parking lot and hopped in my car.

I laid my head down on the steering wheel and sat there for a little bit, letting my tears out.

And I thought things were getting better for me.

Look at how wrong I was.

I sat up, dried my tears, put the key through the ignition, and started the engine.

I put my foot down on the gas pedel and backed out of my space.

I drove back to my house and when I got there, I crashed on my couch and let what just happened sink in.

I just got fired. I am now jobless. And it's all because Ross convinced me to sing at the mall yesterday. And he told me to trust him.

You know what?

I'm done with trusting him.

He kept asking for forgiveness, asking me to trust him and look at where I ended up. I keep ending up in funky spots like this.

And I'm sick of it.

I'm sick of everything.


~Later that night~

This is weird.

Usually after school, Laura would come over and hang out for awhile.

But today, she never came.

I don't know why.

I tried calling her but she didn't answer.

I'm on my way to her house right now, to see what's up.

I parked my car right by hers and walked up to the door.

I knocked on it and within a few seconds, she opened up.

"Hey Laura!"

"Hi," she said like she didn't really want to see me.

I gulped. "Are you alright?"

"Do I look like I'm alright?"

I studied her features.

Her hair was all messed up. Her cheeks were red and puffy. She definitely didn't look like she was alright.

"Do you want me to answer that," I asked her.

She shook her head. "Not really."

"Well, what's wrong?"

She looked down. "I got fired."

My eyes widened. "What?"

She yelled, "I got fired! And it's all your fault! He saw a picture of us kissing yesterday and he fired me. If you hadn't convinced me to preform my song, this wouldn't be happening! So get out of my life."



And with that, she slammed the door in my face.

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