One Last Dance (Chapter 22)

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I was in tears the whole ride home. I couldn't believe that Laura had actually told me that she never wanted to see me again. I can't believe she thought that I meant for this to happen. I was just trying to help her get her a record deal.

That's all.

I never meant for her to get fired or anything...

I took the long way back to my place. By the time I got there, it was eleven o'clock pm and minus the tears, I had bags under my eyes.

I usually go to bed early because I like to get my beauty sleep so eleven o'clock is definitely late for me.

I parked my car out front like usual and I laid my head on the steering wheel for a few minutes trying to get myself to calm down and just breathe.

Once I had at least almost controlled myself from bawling my eyes out more than I already have, I got out of my car and walked up to the porch, opened the door to my house and stepped inside.

My whole family including Vanessa and Ell were standing in the living room, watching me enter the house.

I stared at them.

They stared at me.

"Ross," Rydel asked. "Have you been crying?"

It was then that I just couldn't control it anymore.

The tears continued to pour out.

Immediately, I felt a million arms surround me in a hug.

I looked at them.

Everyone was trying to give me a hug but Vanessa.

I pushed everyone away and looked at the love of my life's sister.

"What happened," she asked. "What happened this time?"

I choked out, "She got fired."

"Why," Vanessa asked.

"The superintendent saw a picture of us kissing at the mall yesterday and he fired her."

She looked down. "How is Laura taking it?"

"Horribly. I went over to her place and now she's blaming me for getting her fired, which I totally understand because she doesn't know that full story but she wouldn't even give me a chance to tell her why I made her preform in front of all those people. All she did was yell at me to get out of her life and slam the door in my face."

Everyone looked confused. "Well, why don't you tell us the whole reason behind the performance," Riker suggested. "Cause honestly, none of us knew exactly why you wanted her to preform in front of a crowd like that."

I sighed. "I was trying to get her a record deal with our company again. Our manager said the only way she might be able to sign Laura is if she heard her preform. That was my way of having her preform but also keep the whole record deal business a secret until it's official."

Rydel looked down. "Is this the end of Raura?"

I shrugged. "I hope not."

My mom and dad gave me a hug.

"We'll always be here for you, Ross."

I smiled. "I know."

I heard Vanessa cough like she was trying to get our attention.

We all turned to her. "I think I want to go to Laura."

Riker shrugged. "Alright. I'll come with you."

"Don't count on her opening up," I said sadly. "She's very upset. You might as well just not go."

Vanessa sighed. "I'm not just going over... I'm staying over there."

"For the night," Rydel asked.

Ness shook her head. "For a while, maybe forever."

Rydel's jaw dropped. "What?! But I don't want to be the only girl again!"

Vanessa looked down. "Listen guys, you all are so fricking amazing and I love you to death. But Ross--"

She turned to me. "You have a family to look after you during this hard time. You have people to talk to. You have people to make you feel better."

"What are you saying?"

She sighed. "I'm saying, I need to be there for my sister. I'm the only family she has left now and I can imagine the pain she's in right now. We've both experienced heartbreak within not only relationships but within are own family. I love you guys and I'll miss you all but I need to do what's right and help Laura out."

I bit my lip. "Alright. I'll drop you off at her place with your stuff. She does need to talk to somebody right now and I don't think she wants it to be me. You're are only hope to get Laura to feel better."

She nodded. "I know. I'll go quickly pack. I'll be back in a second."

She ran upstairs to get her stuff.

"Thanks Ross," Rydel said. "Because of you the only other girl here is leaving us!"

"Yeah," Riker agreed. "We're losing another member of the family."

"Geez Ross," Ryland said. "You just keep breaking hearts."

Rocky chimed in. "I can't believe this! This is an outrage!"

Ratliff agreed. "They're right, man. This is so not cool."

I rolled my eyes. Yep. These people are my support. Always there for me and everything!

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