One Last Dance (Chapter 10)

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"I could press charges."

I looked down.

"I could get you arrested."

I bit my lip.

"I could fire you."

I gulped.

"But I'm not going to do that."

I looked up at him intrigued.

He continued. "You're one of our best teachers here and I understand you have a past with Mr. Lynch. Am I correct?"

I nodded.

Right now, I'm in the superintendent's office. He was talking to me about that kiss he saw earlier between me and Ross. Ross is out in the waiting room, waiting to be called in.

"Now," Mr. Hammer continued. "First things first, you and Mr. Lynch's relationship is over."

I sighed. I saw that coming.

"Second, he will be removed from your class immediately. You are never to speak to him again, let alone have anything romantic going on or you're fired."

I looked down.

"Do you hear me?"

I gulped.

"Do you hear me," he yelled again.

I nodded.

"Good," he said. "Third, we will not speak of the transpiring in the teacher's lounge to any of other teachers or students. This will remain only between me, you, and Mr Lynch."

I gulped.

He sighed. "Alright. Now, if I'm correct, I think you have a class to teach."

I nodded and started walking out.

"Oh, and Ms Marano, will you send Mr Lynch in please?"

"Okay," I choked out.

I opened the door and walked out into the waiting room where Ross was.

He stood up hopefully.

I made sure to make no eye contact with him and I gestured into Mr Hammer's office.

"What happened," Ross asked.

I looked down and shook my head hoping he'd take a hint.

He didn't say anything. He just walked into Mr Hammer's office nervously.

I shut the door behind hin and walked back to my classroom, feeling teary-eyed.

Surprisingly, I got through the rest of the school day without bawling my eyes out, without seeing Ross again.

When the bell rang signalling the end of the day, I got my stuff together and left the building.

When I got to my parking place, I stopped as I saw Ross's car sitting there.

I completely forgot we took his car to school today, together.

"Crap," I mumbled under my breath.

I leaned up against his car and waited.

I know we weren't supposed to be near eachother and frankly, I didn't want to be around him, but I wasn't walking home!

I watched as Ross walked out of the school and towards his car. He looked upset.

He stopped when he saw me. He looked down and continued walking towards me.

He took his keys out and with the click of a button his car unlocked.

I opened the door and hopped inside.

He got in too. He stuck the keys in the ignition and turned.

He put his foot on the gas peddle and started driving.

The whole way there, we were silent.

We stopped at his house.

I gulped and turned to look at him.

"Um... I kind of have to go home."

He didn't say anything but he looked at me too.

I stared at him dumbfoundedly. "So are you going to bring me home or no--"

Before I knew it, his lips crashed on mine and he passionately stuck his tounge in my mouth as to continue what happened earlier.

Sure not to get caught up in the kiss like in the teacher's lounge, I forcefully pushed him away.

"What the hell?!?"

Ross looked into my eyes. "We aren't actually going to listen to that superintendent guy, are we?"

I nodded. "Uh, yeah we are."

He whined. "But why?"

I rolled my eyes. "Because I'm kinda working as a teacher there and I need the money. Plus teaching's my passion."

"I thought music was your passion," Ross said.

My jaw dropped a little. I didn't say anything. I can't believe he remembered. But he forgot to keep talking to his record company! God, I don't know how to feel about this.

"Listen Ally," he continued. "I really do love you and I can't--"

"No," i interrupted. "Stop saying that. Stop saying you love me."

He looked into my eyes. "But I--"

"No you don't," I interrupted again. "You keep saying that. You keep telling me to trust you." I paused. "I almost lost my job today because of you. Yes, music is my passion. I would've liked to continue making it if your record company had bothered to call me about it. But no. You stopped trying so I'm stuck with a minimum wage teaching job and I wouldn't mind keeping it. And what the hell did you think you were doing trying to take my shirt off in the teacher's lounge? I'm sure Mr Hammer wouldn't have been as strict about it if it didn't look like you were about to do me! You told me to trust you in there."

Ross looked at me shocked, like he was surprised all that came from my mouth.

"You happy now, Ross," I yelled. "I trusted you... And look where it lead us." I shook my head as tears streamed down my cheeks. "And I thought I still loved you? Even worse, I thought you still loved me too!"

I opened the door to Ross' car, got out and slammed it shut. I ran into his house.

"Vanessa," I yelled. "Rydel?!"

"In here," I heard Vanessa yell from the kitchen. I ran in there to find all the Lynches, my sister and Ell standing in there. They turned to me and all their faces turned sympathetic when they saw my tears.

I ran up to my sister and gave her a huge hug. I hugged her tight.

I heard a few sighs in the backround.

I pulled away and wiped my tears from my eyes.

The boys looked at me.

"What did Ross do this time," Ryland asked.

I gulped before telling them the whole story of what happened today.

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