One Last Dance (Chapter 3)

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Throughout the whole first block, I didn't pay attention to anything Laura was saying. I was too busy focusing on the fact that after five years, this girl was still as beautiful as ever and was finally in my grasp again. I had a chance to make things right.

"Alright class! That's it for today. Pack up and get ready for block two."

She sat down at her desk in the front of the room and as everyone packed up, I walked up to her.

She glanced at me. "May I help you Ro--Mr. Lynch?"

I shook my head. "No. I just... I can't believe you're here. I didn't think I'd ever see you again."

She shrugged and looked down. "Me neither."

"I'm glad I get to see you again," I said cautiously.

She looked at me. "Yeah right! You probably forgot about me while you were off banging all those girls."

I sighed. "I never did that to anyone. I only said that because I was pissed that you were giving up on us so easily."

Laura's jaw dropped a centimeter. "Didn't you even listen to me that day? I told you I wanted you to fight for me... but you didn't. You just left with a jerky remark. Let's face it. That's why we broke up, not over a stupid long distance problem."

I gulped. She was right. It was my fault. I should'be fought for her.

"I'm sorry," I choked out.

She shook her head. "Sorry's not gonna cut it, Mr. Lynch."

I sighed. I hated being called Mr. Lynch, especially by my ex-girlfriend.


"That's the bell," Laura stated. "Better get to your second class."

I groaned. "Okay! I'll leave you alone. But please consider coming over to my house sometime after school."

"Why would I want to?"

I thought. What would be a good reason to give her to come over? Aha! I got it!

I turned to start heading out. "It's not just me who missed you. Rydel does too. Also, didn't Vanessa tell you? She moved in with us last year."


Rydel.... Vanessa.... Man, Ross thinks he can just bribe me into coming over like that? Wow, he's still as low as ever.

He started to leave the room.

"Wait," I yelled after him, standing up.

He stopped. "Yes, Laur?"

I flinched at that old nickname but walked up to him anyways. "I don't know where you live... Aren't you gonna tell me?"

He smirked. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, yeah. I gave in, but this is Rydel and Vanessa we're talking about, my best friend and my sister. If I could even get an hour to see them again, I would take it.

I avoided Ross's eye contact. "It's not for you, Dream Boy! It's for the others."

He still kept that stupid little smirk. "It's on this street," he said. Keep driving left and when you get to the end of the road, its the blue house on the right.

I took a piece of paper, wrote that down and stuffed it in my pocket. "Thanks," I said softly.

"No problem. Looking forward to seeing you later." Then he winked. He flipping WINKED at me! It was attractive, I'm not gonna lie, but I can't believe he would have the nerve to do that.

I groaned. This was going to be a long year...

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