One Last Dance (Chapter 33)

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-That Night-

Laura hasn't come home yet. We've been up all night, trying to get a hold of the cops.

But no. We can't call them until it's been 48 hours of disappearance. How convenient! 😒

We were all sitting at the table, eyes bloodshot, cheeks puffy.

Stormie sighed. "Okay, I'm going to ask everybody one more time. Do any of you know where she could've gone?"

We shook our heads.

"Ross," she asked.

"What, Mom?"

"You didn't cause this, did you?"

My eyebrows crinkled. "What! No! Of course not!"

"Well," Riker interrupted. "Technically, ALL of this is his fault. If he hadn't gotten Laura fired, this wouldn't be happening. In fact, this all goes further than that! If Ross had fought for Laura at Prom, we'd all be okay!"

I stood up and slammed my fist on the table. "You can not put all this blame on me! That's not fair!"

With a tired smirk, he shrugged. "Life ain't fair, Bro!"

"That's it!"

I was about to take a swing at him when Rocky held my arms back.

"Cut it out," he said. "We're all tired, and I get that. Just don't start a war within this family. We're all already fighting a war with the world!"

I sat back down, and covered my face with my hands.

The tears came once again. I looked up at Riker. "I love her," I cried. "And you know that--"

My speech was interrupted by the beeps of someone's phone.

It took me a second to realize the beeps were coming from my back pocket.

I pulled my phone out. I was getting a text from a kid from school, Tyler. He's in my English class.

I opened the text. It read. "Hey Dude! You know our old teacher? We're all with her right now at her parent's place. We want you guys to come down wearing your best clothes."

My heart instantly began racing.

"Oh my god!"

"What?!" Vanessa asked.

I gulped. "She's at her parent's house. She's with my classmates."

Vanessa's eyes widened. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

Everyone began to scurry out of their seats.

"Wait," I yelled. "We all need to dress up."

Ryland held his hands out confused. "Why the heck do we need to dress up?"

I shrugged. "To Hell if I know. But if Laura wants it, God's be, I'll do it."

A chorus of yeahs echoed around the room.

Within twenty minutes, we were all ready and in the car, driving to San Fransisco.

I looked at the time. 7:30.

Why would Tyler's mom let him out this late in a completely different town? Especially considering how overprotective they are.

He must've had a good reason.

We got there around 7:45, and parked in the driveway.

All my classmates were outside and when they saw our car, they started freaking out, calling towards the house.

We all got out.

"What's going on, you guys?"

They snickered. "You'll see," Tyler said. "You're future girlfriend and wife planned an exciting evening for you all."

I rolled my eyes. "You guys won't let that go, will you?

They shook their heads.

That was when I realized that they were dressed up too. "Why all the fancy clothes?"

Tyler smiled. "Again, you'll see. Now, if you can make your way to the front door and hop inside, that'd be great."

"You guys have to be careful," Ness called out. "There's glass and trash all over the place."

Small giggles overwhelmed my class.

I shook my head. "Your laughing's getting annoying."

Tyler laughed again. "We know. It's just, this situation is dramatic irony, cuz we know what's going on and you don't."

I sighed. "Well, we better find out what's going on then, huh!"

He nodded.

I walked towards the door, the others following us.

I knocked, and when I heard her yell, "Come in," I opened the door to see the complete opposite of what Vanessa described this place to look like.

She looked surprised too.

All of a sudden, Laura appeared in the kitchen, wearing a beautiful red dress.

"Hey guys! Like what I did with the place?"

Vanessa laughed. "Definitely."

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