One Last Dance (Chapter 34)

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"Wow Laura," I said taking a bite out of the baked ziti. "This stuff is so good!"

She smiled.

"Just one question," Mama Storms started. "Why?"

Laura's smile disappeared. "I heard you guys talking this morning after I left the table."

My eyes widened. "You did?!"

She nodded. "Yeah. And you guys were wrong. I learned so many things within all I've been through, so many things! I just could never figure out how to adapt these life lessons to my life. I guess I thought this would at least show you that though I could work on the being nice thing, my heart is in the right place. I love you guys!"

Laura glanced at Ross as she said, "I love ALL of you."

I smiled. "Nicely said, Sis! Now, how about you sit down and join us? You were the one who made this meal."

"I will," she protested. "I just have to go to the bathroom first. Be right back."

She left the room.

Ross stood up. "I'll be right back too."

I smirked. "Go get her, tiger."

He snickered and left the room behind my sister.

Everyone laughed. Ross is so cute when it comes to his love for Laura.


I washed my hands and seconds after drying them with a towel, I unlocked and opened the door.

Ross stood there, as if waiting for me.

"Hey," he said nicely. "You alright?"

I nodded. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be? Today's been the best day for me in awhile."

He smiled. "Really? How so?"

Rolling my eyes, I answered, "Today all my life lessons were adapted to my life and I finally understand what it means to let go and to keep your family close."

"I'm happy you're happy."

I laughed at that corny pick-up line.

"Thanks for dinner, by the way."

"No problem."

He took a step closer to me and took my hand.

I stared at it as my heart beat increased by a million.

"I have to ask you something," he said quietly.

I looked into his eyes. "What?"

"Prom's coming up."

My eyes widened.

He smiled. "Since your not a teacher there anymore and it's completely appropriate to hang out with you, would you like to come with me?"

I bit my lip. "Ross..."

He shushed me. "As friends."

I nodded.

He enveloped me into a hug.

I sniffed his chest as he buried his head in my shoulder.

We pulled apart.

We looked into each other's eyes.

He leaned in slowly.

I almost did the same, but I stopped myself.

As he was a centimeter away from my face, I turned my head and he leaned back.

I looked down. "As friends."

He nodded as his cheeks burned red. "Right, sorry. Got caught up in the moment."

I smiled. "It's alright."

His eyes lit up like a lightbulb had gone off in his head.

"I forgot to tell you! I'm finally graduating! I've passed all the classes with A's and I took my finals last week, all ended up with passing grades."

My eyes widened. "Ross, that's great!"

He laughed. "I know! Finally, after five years of being a senior, I'm going to move on to the next step in my education."

My smile faded. "Are you... Moving for college?"

He shook his head. "Nah! I'm gonna take online classes."

Nodding, I asked, "What about tour? You guys going anywhere soon?"

He shrugged. "Not for another month or so. You know, you and Vanessa can always come with us."

I sighed a silent sigh of relief. "Yeah, we'd love that!"

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