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I gasped at the scene. Jessalyn was lying down in the closet. I felt there's dark tension enter the room. I ran over to Jessalyn and saw the pool of blood surrounding her.

  "No, no. Jessalyn, you're okay," I couldn't help, all I could do was cry. I heard the bang from inside the living room, but I just thought she was looking at stuff. I began to look around the room and spot all the old blood stains from before. All of a sudden I saw a shadow stop at the doorway, it was too dark to make out who it was, but my first thought was Lisa.

  "Lisa?" I asked very quietly. All I heard was heavy breathing.

  "Just. One. Second," whoever was there, they were taking heavy breaths in between each word.

  "Molly? Is that you?"

  "Yes," she responded breathily. I got up and ran towards her and hugged her. I thought I would never see her again.

  "Lisa," she said.

  "What about Lisa?"

  "Lisa was chasing me," her breathing finally slowed down.

  "But Lisa was in the hospital."

  "Not anymore, she started chasing me. We need to go Kady."

  "But what about Jessalyn?"

  "We can call the cops, but we really need to hurry."

  "Okay," I walked over to Jessalyn and found a piece of paper folded up in her pocket.

  "What is that" Molly asked.

  "A letter. There was a letter in her pocket."

  "Well, what does it say?" Molly asked. I began reading the letter out loud.

  Dear Kady, I'm sorry this had to be this way, but I had to get you to come back to this house somehow. I truly feel we could of had a close friendship, but I could only be here for so long. Lisa will come, and no matter how much I wanted to help you I couldn't. Go find Aleisha, she has your back. Go to the place where the birds bathe and the flowers grow by the swings.
     Sincerely, Jess.

  "The place where the birds bathe? That has to be a bird bath, but what about the flowers that by the swings? There's not a park with a bird bath though," I was confused.

  "She's not talking about a bird bath, she's talking about the creek. The birds bathe in the creek and the flowers by the poles of the swings. It's the creek by Valley Park," Molly said.

  "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go," Molly dialed the cops number as we left the house. She was very careful about describing what she had "heard."

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