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A couple hours later my mom walked inside of the hospital room.
"Oh honey, you look so much better!"
"Yeah, I don't remember much of what happened. Where's Lisa?"
"Nobody told you?"
"Told me what?"
"Lisa is hurt really bad."
"What happened to her!?"
"How long have you been awake?"
"Mom, tell me where she is! Tell me what happened to her!"
"She's a couple of rooms down, and the police said you tried to kill her."
"I would never try to kill my best friend."
"That's just what the police said. They told me that you girls were at some abandoned house, and that you were locked inside with Lisa. They told me that you had her pinned up against the wall choking her saying "tell me where she is and you won't die." Then whenever you saw that the cops were inside of the house you let go of her and tried stabbing them. They had to shoot you in your leg, but you still got up. They said it was like she was possessed."
"I don't remember any of that. Lisa was outside crying, bangning on the door trying to help me get out. Then I fell down and something started hitting me against the wall. I have to go see Lisa."
"You aren't allowed to leave this room."
"Mom, she is my best friend."
"You are a threat to her."
"I don't even remember trying to kill her or anyone!"
"It doesn't matter. You are not leaving this room until they say you can. Discussions over." She got up and left.
I'm not gonna let anyone stop me from seeing her, so I got up out of the bed.
"Ow!" my leg, I need something to help me walk. I grabbed onto each object I walked by. I took off my hospital gown and put on my shorts and t-shirt. I had to hop on one leg until I found her room.
I walked in, but there was nobody else in there except for her. I closed the door behind me, and went up to her bed. She looked horrible. She had a black eye, bruises, and scratches all over her. There was a huge bruise around her neck. I can't believe I did this, but if I did it I think I would have remembered.
She had a breathing mask, IV's, and stitches. I feel so bad. I looked around the room and saw tons of balloons, cards, candy, and stuffed animals. There was nothing in my room, but why would there be, apparently I tried to murder people.
I started to cry, and not just because my leg hurt like hell. It was because I never wanted to see my friend like this, and I don't want her to die. She opened her eyes.
She looked startled, then she started to shed tears.
"Get out of here! Get the hell out of here! Nurse! Somebody please! Get her out!" she started yelling, almost screaming at the top of her lungs.
"Lisa, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never try to do that."
"You. You tried to kill me! I just want you out!"
"That wasn't me! I don't even remember what happened! My mom had to tell me!" I started bawling.
"I d-don't care if you remember or not! You stabbed me in ther arm! You choked me!" she started crying even harder.
"Lisa no! That wasn't me! I wouldn't ever hur-" the doctors came running into the room. They came and grabbed me.
"No! Let go of me! I don't want to hurt her! I don't know what happened!"
"You are a threat to her and everyone. You weren't even supposed to leave your room," this made me angry.
"I am not a threat! I'm sick of being called one!" I kicked the doctor, and bit the other one's arm.
"I'm really sorry, and I don't expect you to forgive me. I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry for what I did." I started to run, well as fast as I could with the other leg limping. I needed to get out of here. I can't be isolated here anymore. I just need out. Then all of a sudden three more doctors came after me. One was pushing a hospital bed.
"Get her!" one yelled, and before I made it to the door one grabbed me. I started to cry and kick my legs.
"No! Let go of me! I need out of here! I need to go home! I don't want to go back to my hospital room! Please! Let me go!"
"Oh trust me, you are not going back to your hospital room," this confused me, but I continued kicking, and I started swinging my arms.
One doctor grabbed my legs, the other one grabbed my arms. They were holding me down to the hospital bed, then the third doctor strapped me down.
I started trying to kick, but it wasn't worth it, so I kept on crying and saying, "please, let me go." Then each of them got a needle. One went in my leg, the second in my arm, and the third in my neck. I was then out like a light.

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