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"It would be a miracle if that stick actually works," I said to Molly. Molly was holding a stick in her hand that she was sharpening with Kady's pocket knife.

  "It was the only thing I could use. You and Kady got the weapons, and I wanted a weapon too," Molly continued sharpening the stick as she talked.

  "We just don't trust you with a gun or a knife. I'm getting nervous just letting you use my pocket knife to sharpen that stick," Kady said.

  "Oh come on, I use knives all the time. I use them while cooking, cutting things open, and uh... I can't think of anything else, but people use these all the time in movies."

  "In movies Molly. This isn't a movie, it's real life," I told her.

  "Thank you for stating that captain obvious, but I'm doing just fine," Molly continued skinning the knife when she cut her finger. "Ow!"

  "Okay, give me my knife back. That's sharp enough," Molly handed Kady's knife back to her. I started to hear rustling in the bushes.

  "Do you guys hear that?" I asked them.

  "Hear what?" Molly and Kady both said together. All of a sudden I spotted Lisa out of the corner of my eye.

  "Get down!" I fell to the ground and so did they.

  "What is it?" Kady whispered to me.

  "Just start crawling over towards the creek," we all begin to crawl towards the creek. We got into the creek and went underneath the bride. The water was just a little chilly. I saw Lisa begin running towards us. I had to think fast.

  "You can't hide from me!" Lisa yelled.

  "She's running!" Molly shouted.

  "We need to get somewhere else quick!" Kady said scared.

  "We are hiding, she couldn't have seen us hide underneath here."

  "Come out, come out wherever you are. I have a treat for you," Kady got out her gun and cocked it back.

  "No Kady. She doesn't know where we are," I said.

  "But what if she does?"

  "She can't," I said.

  "Ugh, brats," Lisa said irritated. She began running back towards the bushes. Just then Kady aimed her gun and Lisa and shot.

  "Oh, so you wanna play that game?" Lisa turned around quickly not even wounded. She came back walking towards us. She looked like a hungry wolf.

  "The trees!" Molly said.

  "That's a good idea! Guys, let's run towards the trees!" I said. We all got up and started sprinting for the trees. Lisa saw us and began taking shots. She missed us, but she skinned Kady's arm.

  "Britch!" Kady yelled in pain.

  "Britch?" Molly asked. "What the heck is a britch?"

  "Pants, but I'm sure she doesn't mean it that way," I said. "Are you okay Kady?"

  "Yeah, I'll be fine," Kady ripped a part of her shirt off and covered the wound. "We have to keep going," we continued until we got into the trees. Lisa couldn't see us anymore, she would only know which direction we ran in.

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