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We were watching Lisa, keeping a close eye on her. We didn't want her to find us first. We were like hunters stalking our prey. Hawks stalking the snakes or wolves stalking the fox. We all laid in the grass. We had pretty bad body odor, but that's what hunters have.

  "She went outside," Molly said quietly.

  "What are we supposed to do now? What if she spots us?" Aleisha asked.

  "We wait," I answered.

  "That will take too long," Molly said. We still waited. We watched Lisa for half an hour sit in a chair and do absolutely nothing. She probably moved parts of her body twice, she was waiting for us. I could hear a little girl's voice from inside me whisper "leave." I can't leave, I have to finish what has been started.

  "You two stay here, I'm gonna go," I told them.

  "Go where?" They both asked together.

  "Out there, I'll be careful don't worry," I told them. I crawled out of the trees and grass. I crouched down after I was in a clear view. I moved carefully towards the house not taking my eye off of Lisa. The hawk never takes their eye off of the prey. I walked quietly behind Lisa, she didn't even know I was there. She seemed to not even care if I was there. I covered Lisa's mouth, because nobody was in site. I held a knife against her throat.

  "And you thought you were going to catch me," I whispered. "Now you know what it feels like! You have put me through so much, but now I've got you!"

  "Yeah, you've got me now Kady. But what are you going to do in someone's front yard? There would be several witnesses, obviously you didn't plan this out very well," she sat very still and talked carefully. I let my grip loose a little and thought about how I would kill her, but I'm not the bad guy. She's killed tons of people, and I'm helping them. I am. Right then Lisa slid out of my grip and got up. She stood facing me.

  "So, what happened to the other two? Did they chicken out?" She pulled out a gun and aimed it towards me. At that moment I dropped the only weapon I had, the knife.

  "No," I stuttered. I didn't know what to do. If I even tried to pick up the knife she would shoot me, but that doesn't mean she would hit me. I played it cautiously.

  "You came here to kill me, but you brought a knife to the job? You're not that talented Kady, even if you didn't loosen your grip I still would have been able to aim my gun at you. I have plenty of experience, tons of experience actually. Your mom, your friends, Jessalyn."

  "You killed my mom!?" I dropped to my knees. "Jessalyn killed herself," I had to keep myself together.

  "I threatened her, why do you think she's dead? And I killed your mom, the poor thing thought I was you. Now I'm going to kill you just like I killed her."

  "Lisa, no," I said. I couldn't protect myself, I didn't have a shield or a reliable weapon. I heard the gun go off and I fell to the ground. It got harder and harder to breathe. I could feel my chest go up and then fall back down, but it got harder to with every breath. I started to hear rustling in the grass, everyone from inside was now outside and I heard Aleisha's and Molly's voices. I tried to speak, but I couldn't move my mouth. I just laid there in pain and closed my eyes.

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