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One of the places you more than likely don't want to wake up in is probably a room with metal rusty walls and five doctors.
I was very dizzy while I woke up. Does my mom know where they took me? Or does she just not care what they do to me? These questions wouldn't stop running through my mind. I was pretty much a doctor's puppet, well at least that is what it seemed like. Whenever the doctor's leave all I have to entertain me is myself. I can just lay here and think, and thinking was absolutely something I didn't feel like doing, and laying down isn't fun, because I just wanna run free. Escape. All there is in here are walls and the bed that I'm on. I wish they didn't think that I was a psycho.
"Look at who's finally awake."
"Finally? You did put a lot of chemicals into her system."
"I feel bad for the poor girl."
"Yeah, she is definitely not going to like it here."
"I wish they wouldn't have made girls doctors."
Wow, I would have punched that last one in the face. Don't they know that I can talk too? And why wouldn't I like such a lovely place like this old rusty, moldy smelling room?
"Hey sweetie, would you like to be put in a more comfortable room?"
Were they even allowed to do that to psycho?
"Yeah... That would be nice."
"Okay. Hey Jess, can you get the other end of the bed please?"
Jess... I swear I have heard that name before.
"Yeah, sure." Jess walked to the end of the bed. They pushed me onto the elevator.
"How are you feeling?" Jess asked me.
I knew from her eyes who she was. It was the random girl from back at the hospital who was in my room. The "Paranormal Investigator." She still seemed a little young to be one, and a little way too young to be a doctor. It just is all so strange.
"I'm a little claustrophobic," I told her.
"We will let you walk around. Just don't try to escape from your room."
"I just want my bestfriend back, and I want to go home."
"You're halfway there."
Jess ended that strangely. Everything about her was strange. Her very young looks, and the jobs she has. At least I think she has, and now I get to add the "you're halfway there" words.
She gave me a weird feeling, but not a bad feeling, just a halfway bad feeling.
They took me into my new room. It looked like a hospital room, but not white and clean, it looked as if the walls used to be white, but now are grey from stains. They left the room and locked the door. I really wish I had my phone, but I guess television and doctors had to do for now.
Later that night, or early; very early this morning, the door to my room opened.
"Hello?" I asked quietly. The lights turned on, and I saw Jess standing at the door.
"Jessalyn? What are you doing in here?"
"I'm getting you out, now come on."
Whenever she said that she was getting me out, I did not question anything. I was just glad that I am getting out.
We exited the half hospital, half asylum thing and got into a black shiny sports car.
"This is your car?"
"Yeah, hurry up and get in."
I got in really fast, and unfortunately as I shut the door, my blonde hair got stuck in it.
"Ow!" I reopened the door, got my hair out and away from it, then shut the door again.
"It's okay."
"Okay, so how old are you, and who really are you?"
"I'm sixteen and a junior in highschool. Sorry about lying about a bunch of things, I just didn't want to sound like a creep."
"Oh yeah, because a random person in my hospital room later on showing up to be one of my doctors is not creep like at all."
"Well, that's why I told you I was a Paranormal Investigator, and I didn't really think that you would notice me, because you were all drugged out."
"Really. A Paranormal Investigator? I just don't understand that part the most, and don't even get me started on how you pretended to even be hired as a doctor."
"A Paranormal Investigator just made sense. The things that happened to you at that house were strange. They were actually beyond strange. I have never seen a news story like that in my entire life. I came to you, because the people that do those shows barely ever tell the truth. I wanted to get the real truth about the story, I wanted to get all the details from it, and plus you fell for it. I want to go to that house with you. I want to go inside of it."
"They think that I'm crazy, but obviously nobody has ever met you."
"What do you mean?"
"If you think I'm ever going back to that house, or ever going anywhere near it again you must have lost your mind."
"I just want to see what will happen."
"Then why don't you go in it by yourself?"
"Because that's not safe."
"Neither is going in it with me or anyone!"
"Okay, then get out."
"Wait, what?" Jess looks toward me, and puts the car in park.
"I said get. Out."
"But. Are you crazy?"
"Go to the house with me, or you can get out of my car right now."
"Fine, I'll just go in it with you."
"That's what I thought." She says as she now resumes driving.
She started to drive. Has this girl lost every single piece of her mind?

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